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Many new updates posted daily and people you can contact!
Thanks for helping us get to 50,000 viewers in less than two days! Update: With your help, we passed 125,000 in less than three and 250,000 in less than six!
Links to "Petitions for Recount!" and "Volunteer!" opportunities will now be posted in the sidebar at right! You can also easily spread the word with Google+, Facebook, and Twitter! Tags have been added to state specific links to make it easy to find and share with your Secretaries of State and Electors. Some links apply nationwide!
Just Added! https://www.facebook.com/ObamaVoterFraudVolunteers
Is this what Barack Obama calls a "ground game?" All things considered, on this page and elsewhere, Mitt Romney IS our President elect. Let's do something about it!
I'll be adding additional links on a regular basis and forwarding all of this information to Mitt's campaign! Please send other links.
Evidence of massive Obama voter fraud in Colorado! Ten counties show 104% to 140% turnout! (CO)
Fraud: Some told they already voted, others brag about voting multiple times
Crooked Politics: Obama Lost in Every State With Photo ID Law
Philly Polling Stations Where GOP Inspectors Were Kicked Out Had 90% Voter Turnout, 99% Voted For Obama… (PA)
[Sounds like those Black Panthers who kicked out the GOP observers and stood guard at the polling stations were not just trying to intimidate voters! They were hiding something!]
Voter Fraud Watch: Two Election Judges Replaced After Illegal Activity in Ohio (OH)
Why the Polls are Wrong: Electorate is R+6
Vote fraud alert: One out of five registered Ohio voters is bogus (OH)
via @BeachCity55 on Twitter: Senior parents in Florida told not to put their ballots through their reader but in a box. Senior votes in FL not counted? (FL)
Data Points To A Powerful Romney Campaign – And Yet…He Lost?
"You have to vote for Dems" NYC poll worker tells GOP Senate candidate #Electioneering (NY)
At least 70,000 report voting problems, mostly in swing states
Obama's pattern of disenfranchisement of the military vote
Another Stolen Election? Election data HIGHLY suspicious AND the George Soros' "Secretary of State Project"
Yes, this is the same George Soros who owns part of the company in Spain Obama outsourced parts of the election to and who has been banned from Hungary because he tampered with elections there.
We will continue to add updates! Please check back often!
THURSDAY UPDATES - (November 8, 2012)
From my friend Lynn Victory on Facebook:
"Thanks for what you are doing. My son is friends with a guy in the Romney campaign who has actually been on since 2008. He is not high up, but said that the O campaign bought high tech equipment to target county by county where the votes were needed in battle-ground states, so that they could "bus in the needed votes". The guy would not say fraud, but that is fraud."
Also this referral from Lynn:
White House Insider on Obama Steal the Votes Strategy (Just Before the Election)
"But…these Obama boys…they took it to a whole other level. Votes, donations…deals…it’s a lot more Putin than it is Clinton. Pay to play…Big Labor…this country never seen it at this level."
Voter fraud witnessed in Wisconsin by one of Mitt's ORCA observers (WI)
via Lori Patriot on Facebook:
52 Democrats arrested for VOTER FRAUD so far
VIDEO: Illegal Aliens Caught Voting and Stealing Elections In Florida In Vast Numbers (FL)
In 2008, John McCain Ignored Vote Fraud to Avoid Civil Unrest
[See what that got us?]
Michael Savage: How Obama fixed 2012 election
Massive voter fraud discovered in April
Is Voter Fraud Being Committed in Ohio? (Early Voting) (OH)
FRIDAY UPDATES - November 9, 2012
Pundit Press: What Luck! Obama Won Dozens of Cleveland Districts with 100% of the Vote (OH)
Photo of Ethiopians brought to Ohio voting stations by busload, 95% of whom did not speak English, and told to vote for Obama, straight Dem ticket (OH)
"Did this Dirty Trick Get Obama Re-Elected?"
Vote Fraud Expert: Romney Votes Not Counted in Key States
"Could we fix an election? Sure, they would never know it."
Thousands of votes from our military troops uncounted or missing (The Examiner)
Defense Department can't put soldiers, ballots together
Voter fraud in Pennsylvania - Black Panthers return, GOP inspectors thrown out (PA)
Ohio fraudulent voter registration cards (OH)
Ohio Residents Told They Already Voted When They Showed Up At the Polls Tuesday (OH)
Poll Worker Puts Glendale Precinct's Ballots on Car, Drives Away
Referenced above, but with more information:
Two Ohio Election Judges Removed for Allowing Unregistered Voters to Cast Ballots (OH)
Democrat Admits He's Voted FOUR Times Already
Boston reports 129% voter turnout, 79% for Obama; 74% for Elizabeth Warren (MA)
Voter Fraud Complaint Filed against Florida Democrats (FL)Ohio fraudulent voter registration cards (OH)
Ohio Residents Told They Already Voted When They Showed Up At the Polls Tuesday (OH)
Poll Worker Puts Glendale Precinct's Ballots on Car, Drives Away
Referenced above, but with more information:
Two Ohio Election Judges Removed for Allowing Unregistered Voters to Cast Ballots (OH)
Democrat Admits He's Voted FOUR Times Already
Boston reports 129% voter turnout, 79% for Obama; 74% for Elizabeth Warren (MA)
"Ballot Re-writers" Update from Allen West
"Half the Democratic ground game is voter turnout. The other half is voter fraud."
Voter Fraud: Obama Won 108% of Registered Voters in Wood County, Ohio (Frontpage Mag) (OH)
Video: Diebold Whistleblower Speaks Out on Voter Fraud
BREAKING: St. Lucie County, Florida Had 141.1% Turnout; Obama Won County (FL)
Between St. Lucie and Broward Counties, we have a pretty good idea what happened in Florida. Normal voting is what, 50% turnout? It doesn't take many counties like this to affect an entire state by multiple percentage points.
All of these numbers between 99% (Pennsylvania) and 141.1% (Florida) turnout in dozens of counties in swing states makes me think Team Obama was panicking a lot just before the election, with Mitt up by 7% in certain early voting polls. They overcompensated so much the fraud is impossible to hide. I think they know it, which may be one reason Axelrod is stepping down. (Sound familiar Petraeus and Benghazi?)
As I told someone earlier today, this is who Obama is. This is who Chicago (the machine) is. Do we really want this to be who America is? Is this how we will define our elections from 2008 on? As Mitt says, "America can do better." We must do better. We can't let the message be out there that America will let this fraud go.
It has also been suggested that we ask Republican Secretaries of State NOT to certify the election until all questions about voter fraud are abated. Some people think this may provoke a crisis, but it can't be worse than the one we are looking at for the next four years and the impact on generations to come! America NEEDS Mitt, and Mitt won fair and square. This was not a ballot stuffing competition but an election. Let's make sure it's counted that way!
Thank you all. Over 7,500 people have visited this page in the first 24 hours and I hope millions will see it eventually. Please pass it on! We can do this! (Yes we can!)
SATURDAY UPDATES - November 10, 2012
Military service members purged from voter rolls in Florida... (FL)
Pundit Press: In Florida: Obama Got Over 99% in Broward County Precincts (FL)
TRR: Allen West Seeks Recount Amid Growing Vote Count Scandal (FL)
Another petition, this one to Congress.
You can also request that Reince Preibus of the GOP start a swing state recount based on information available at this website and as part of ORCA (Thanks Shirley!)
I've added links to all three petitions to the sidebar at the top of this page and expect to add more.
As I told someone earlier today, this is who Obama is. This is who Chicago (the machine) is. Do we really want this to be who America is? Is this how we will define our elections from 2008 on? As Mitt says, "America can do better." We must do better. We can't let the message be out there that America will let this fraud go.
Want to do something about all of this? Tiffany Banks and Darin Southam forwarded me a list of people you can contact who are in the November 9, 2012 3:12 PM comment below.
Did you know voters can request a recount in certain states? (Ohio, Virginia, Florida, Wisconsin!) Take a look at the comment by @RightonMainSt dated November 9, 2012 11:45 PM below for instructions! Mitt will have to ask in Colorado himself. (Yes, you Mitt!)
Did you know voters can request a recount in certain states? (Ohio, Virginia, Florida, Wisconsin!) Take a look at the comment by @RightonMainSt dated November 9, 2012 11:45 PM below for instructions! Mitt will have to ask in Colorado himself. (Yes, you Mitt!)
It has also been suggested that we ask Republican Secretaries of State NOT to certify the election until all questions about voter fraud are abated. Some people think this may provoke a crisis, but it can't be worse than the one we are looking at for the next four years and the impact on generations to come! America NEEDS Mitt, and Mitt won fair and square. This was not a ballot stuffing competition but an election. Let's make sure it's counted that way!
Thank you all. Over 7,500 people have visited this page in the first 24 hours and I hope millions will see it eventually. Please pass it on! We can do this! (Yes we can!)
SATURDAY UPDATES - November 10, 2012
Military service members purged from voter rolls in Florida... (FL)
Pundit Press: In Florida: Obama Got Over 99% in Broward County Precincts (FL)
TRR: Allen West Seeks Recount Amid Growing Vote Count Scandal (FL)
[This is the same St. Lucie that has 141.1% voter turnout affecting both Romney and West...]
St. Lucie County - 84 juridictions, 83 of them had 121-166% turn out (FL)
Nevada Unions Are Regestering Illegals and Forcing Them to Vote (NV)
The video suggests that this method was the only way Harry Reid was able to defeat challenger Sharon Angle in 2010 to retain his Senate seat and continues to be used.
via Jewel on Facebook: "Could you please help us? There is a petition for a recount and it takes 28,000 signatures. We are all promoting it and would love to have you on our side. The link to sign the petition is:"
St. Lucie County - 84 juridictions, 83 of them had 121-166% turn out (FL)
Nevada Unions Are Regestering Illegals and Forcing Them to Vote (NV)
The video suggests that this method was the only way Harry Reid was able to defeat challenger Sharon Angle in 2010 to retain his Senate seat and continues to be used.
via Jewel on Facebook: "Could you please help us? There is a petition for a recount and it takes 28,000 signatures. We are all promoting it and would love to have you on our side. The link to sign the petition is:"
Another petition, this one to Congress.
You can also request that Reince Preibus of the GOP start a swing state recount based on information available at this website and as part of ORCA (Thanks Shirley!)
I've added links to all three petitions to the sidebar at the top of this page and expect to add more.
Voter Fraud by the numbers? Absolutely
Thank you to everyone who is sharing this page! As of Saturday morning, we are getting about 3,000 visitors an hour. You are making a difference!
SUNDAY UPDATES - November 11, 2012
Thank you to the Examiner for mentioning us!
Citing voter fraud, petition at White House web site demands recount of election
Thank you to everyone who is sharing this page! As of Saturday morning, we are getting about 3,000 visitors an hour. You are making a difference!
SUNDAY UPDATES - November 11, 2012
Thank you to the Examiner for mentioning us!
Citing voter fraud, petition at White House web site demands recount of election
Thanks also to The Competent Conservative for quoting us in entirety!
Is There Enough Evidence of Voter Fraud To Merit a Recount?
Is There Enough Evidence of Voter Fraud To Merit a Recount?
Much more to come! As one of our commenters below said, voter fraud is like cockroaches. You find one and they are likely everywhere. Cuyahoga County, Ohio is obviously not alone!
Here is a petition you can sign at Change.org to request a full recount. I suggest we just focus on the swing states, but it is true that many Congressional and Senate races are also affected, from Allen West to, I believe, Mia Love. Mia was up by 10% the week before the election and lost by 3,000 votes to Matheson in a state that went 73% for Romney. Not likely!
Here is a petition you can sign at Change.org to request a full recount. I suggest we just focus on the swing states, but it is true that many Congressional and Senate races are also affected, from Allen West to, I believe, Mia Love. Mia was up by 10% the week before the election and lost by 3,000 votes to Matheson in a state that went 73% for Romney. Not likely!
An update on St. Lucie County, Florida: (FL)
Video: More fraud from Florida, including kicking out an elderly poll observer doing his job using the police (FL)
Townhall blogger Rachel Alexander reports:
Obama Likely Won Re-Election Through Election Fraud
The Washington Times: Florida Vote Twist: More Ballots Than Voters (FL)
Here is a link to Allen West's press release on the voter fraud situation in Florida (FL)
Allegation of unions putting illegal immigrants on voter rolls clouds Nevada voting (NV)
GulagBound.com mentioned us today and has additional links relating to fraud in Wisconsin and Florida, with others on the way. (WI) (FL)
They also recommend:
Newsmax reports: Voter Fraud Charges Begin in Ohio (OH)
Darin Southam recommends TrueTheVote.org for some pre-election indications of potential voter fraud, but the page understates what actually happened in pretty much every swing state.
And what do you think of this? This was way before the election, but apparently George Soros, who we have already established rigged an election in Hungary and was banned for it AND helped get Obama elected the first time... I'll let you read the headline:
"Soros advises Obama to use forceful measures to override the will of the people"
I think this goes well beyond the 900+ executive orders that go around Congress, more than three times the executive orders given by all previous US Presidents combined. We saw it in action Tuesday, November 6th!
Just had one of our first reports of election fraud in CALIFORNIA, voter suppression of senior citizens by Democrats at polling stations. Read the full story in the comment near the bottom of this page by Special K, date/time November 11, 2012 9:21 PM. We have mostly been focusing on swing states, but it is clear that this is going on elsewhere!
A Tea Party group has posted this article, with interesting stats and some criticism for Romney for not standing up and doing something about it yet.
Just had one of our first reports of election fraud in CALIFORNIA, voter suppression of senior citizens by Democrats at polling stations. Read the full story in the comment near the bottom of this page by Special K, date/time November 11, 2012 9:21 PM. We have mostly been focusing on swing states, but it is clear that this is going on elsewhere!
A Tea Party group has posted this article, with interesting stats and some criticism for Romney for not standing up and doing something about it yet.
Personally I think as the case is strong enough, Mitt will do something. Too much is at stake, and as we just found out, Ohio is definitely Mitt's, and Florida, too, just based on fraud in a few counties! Colorado, too!
Keep up the referrals and the sharing, everyone! Thank you SO much for helping America fix an election that has clearly been "fixed."
Voter fraud cheapens the votes of the 60 million who picked Mitt to the point of nothingness and gives weight to those who in reality were the minority. If grand theft is defined as any theft over $5,000, what do you call the ONE BILLION times that that is likely to happen AGAIN over the next four years if we do not right this wrong?
Here is to our real President Elect and First Lady, Mitt and Ann Romney.
MONDAY UPDATES - November 12, 2012
”Not a single vote for Romney or even an error?” said Larry Sabato, a political scientist at the University of Virginia. “That’s worth looking into.”
Mitt Romney Didn't Get a Single Vote in 59 Philadelphia Voting Divisions (PA)
Glenn Beck's The Blaze reports: Odd? Romney Got ZERO Votes In 59 Precincts in Philly, 9 in Ohio (PA) (OH)
Video: Obama Won Because of Voter Fraud All Over
From the video: "We keep letting the bast*** get away with stuff, and we wonder why he keeps thinking he can get away with it."
We've discussed Pennsylvania, but RightSpeak has a great article on it that makes me wonder, besides the fake Obama ballots, what happened to the Romney votes that were cast, and if in Pennsylvania, where else did this occur? Pre-election polling showed Mitt was on track to win PA.
RIGHT SPEAK: Romney Received Zero Votes in 50 Philadelphia Precincts (PA)
I strongly recommend the comment post by StillUnemployed6, a poll observer in California, date/time stamped November 12, 2012 1:30 PM in our comments below. I will not quote it because of the length, but it gives insight into how fraud took place nationally, in California, and the method's Chicago origins. (CA)
MONDAY UPDATES - November 12, 2012
”Not a single vote for Romney or even an error?” said Larry Sabato, a political scientist at the University of Virginia. “That’s worth looking into.”
Mitt Romney Didn't Get a Single Vote in 59 Philadelphia Voting Divisions (PA)
Glenn Beck's The Blaze reports: Odd? Romney Got ZERO Votes In 59 Precincts in Philly, 9 in Ohio (PA) (OH)
Video: Obama Won Because of Voter Fraud All Over
From the video: "We keep letting the bast*** get away with stuff, and we wonder why he keeps thinking he can get away with it."
We've discussed Pennsylvania, but RightSpeak has a great article on it that makes me wonder, besides the fake Obama ballots, what happened to the Romney votes that were cast, and if in Pennsylvania, where else did this occur? Pre-election polling showed Mitt was on track to win PA.
RIGHT SPEAK: Romney Received Zero Votes in 50 Philadelphia Precincts (PA)
I strongly recommend the comment post by StillUnemployed6, a poll observer in California, date/time stamped November 12, 2012 1:30 PM in our comments below. I will not quote it because of the length, but it gives insight into how fraud took place nationally, in California, and the method's Chicago origins. (CA)
Do we really think Obama's time "community organizing" in Chicago was innocent? Among other things, he instructed ACORN in mortgage fraud. Why not election fraud?
Barack Obama trained ACORN staff in how to intimidate banks into giving risky subprime loans now owed by taxpayers.
Maybe if we can reverse engineer some of these illegal practices (election and mortgage fraud) we can not only know what happened Tuesday, but prevent them in the future?
Well written OPINION pieces:
5.5 million Republican voters are not accounted for…
A separate site suggests it may be 16 million.
St. Lucie Co. voter turnout clarification still supports allegation of fraud (FL)
Video: Eyewitness of Somali Muslim voter fraud in Ohio by Obama camp (OH)
The Philly Post reports Mitt Romney won and Obama lost 55 of Pennsylvania's 67 counties. (PA)
In other words, a few counties with heavy fraud were necessary to allow Obama to win the state.
Photo of Black Panther at Philadelphia Polling Place (Illegally close to polling place.) (PA)
"Up to 10 percent of the ballots cast at a polling station in Pennsylvania reverted to a default, which gave Barack Obama a vote no matter who the voter had selected, according to a poll watcher who was a witness to the proceedings." (PA)
Poll Watcher Sees Romney Ballots Changed: Witness to voting says he monitored as software redirected choices (PA)
This is not new, but the American Center for Law and Justice published this valuable perspective on using voter ID to prevent voter fraud in May.
I am still looking for the recording, but I am told the ACLJ's Jay Sekulow (possibly his brother Jordan) spoke about concerns the week before the election about former ACORN people "overseeing" the elections under the guise of United Nations workers. ACORN was caught, prosecuted, and convicted of instigating voter fraud in Nevada in 2010.
My favorite article yet on voter fraud by The Examiner:
Growing protest of Obama reelection reaching fever pitch.
Barack Obama trained ACORN staff in how to intimidate banks into giving risky subprime loans now owed by taxpayers.
Maybe if we can reverse engineer some of these illegal practices (election and mortgage fraud) we can not only know what happened Tuesday, but prevent them in the future?
Well written OPINION pieces:
5.5 million Republican voters are not accounted for…
A separate site suggests it may be 16 million.
St. Lucie Co. voter turnout clarification still supports allegation of fraud (FL)
Video: Eyewitness of Somali Muslim voter fraud in Ohio by Obama camp (OH)
The Philly Post reports Mitt Romney won and Obama lost 55 of Pennsylvania's 67 counties. (PA)
In other words, a few counties with heavy fraud were necessary to allow Obama to win the state.
Photo of Black Panther at Philadelphia Polling Place (Illegally close to polling place.) (PA)
"Up to 10 percent of the ballots cast at a polling station in Pennsylvania reverted to a default, which gave Barack Obama a vote no matter who the voter had selected, according to a poll watcher who was a witness to the proceedings." (PA)
Poll Watcher Sees Romney Ballots Changed: Witness to voting says he monitored as software redirected choices (PA)
This is not new, but the American Center for Law and Justice published this valuable perspective on using voter ID to prevent voter fraud in May.
I am still looking for the recording, but I am told the ACLJ's Jay Sekulow (possibly his brother Jordan) spoke about concerns the week before the election about former ACORN people "overseeing" the elections under the guise of United Nations workers. ACORN was caught, prosecuted, and convicted of instigating voter fraud in Nevada in 2010.
My favorite article yet on voter fraud by The Examiner:
Growing protest of Obama reelection reaching fever pitch.
Want to help? Election fraud volunteers are needed to help in at least five states: Wisconsin, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Florida. Besides calls to Secretaries of State, it turns out the Electors who have been cheated by the process have standing to request recounts and should be called! Please follow this link to get involved:
Election Fraud Volunteers Needed
Other opportunities will be posted at our new Facebook ObamaVoterFraud.com Volunteers page and in the right hand column at the top of this page! (Some mobile devices will not show it.)
TUESDAY UPDATES - November 13, 2012
Last night, Sean Hannity and Allen West shone a big spotlight on voter fraud in Florida and Philadelphia. Thanks Sean! Thanks Allen! Sean says he will continue to look into it. Here's the video:
Voter Fraud in Florida Analyzed by Allen West and Sean Hannity - 11-12-12 (FL)
Election Fraud Volunteers Needed
Other opportunities will be posted at our new Facebook ObamaVoterFraud.com Volunteers page and in the right hand column at the top of this page! (Some mobile devices will not show it.)
TUESDAY UPDATES - November 13, 2012
Last night, Sean Hannity and Allen West shone a big spotlight on voter fraud in Florida and Philadelphia. Thanks Sean! Thanks Allen! Sean says he will continue to look into it. Here's the video:
Voter Fraud in Florida Analyzed by Allen West and Sean Hannity - 11-12-12 (FL)
Just after the show, ObamaVoterFraud.com crossed the "200,000 Concerned Citizens and Leaders" mark. Thanks to everyone who has helped us get the word out!
Later in the evening, we were interviewed on OwnTheNarrative.com's Internet radio program. You can listen to the first 27 minutes here.
The bottom line of the part you didn't hear: Shouldn't a Republican vote be equal to a Democrat vote? If we should "love our neighbor as ourself," shouldn't we love our neighbor's vote as our own? Undermining the voting process through fraud shows a fundamental disrespect of the Democratic process. Where does this come from?
The top down.
Eric Holder could have spent the last two and four years prosecuting voter fraud, but the voter fraud was working for him. Barack Obama could have denounced what happened in 2008 and 2010 in Nevada and many other places, but he doubled down, putting power over principle. I want a President who respects the Democratic process, who respects my vote. Shouldn't we all?
In 2012, widespread, systematic election fraud has turned our Democratic Republic upside down.
Let's right this ship!
Another Facebook group starts posting links to voter fraud.
Week later, more than 300,000 Ohio votes remain uncounted | WashingtonExaminer.com (OH)
State ‘concerned’ about St. Lucie County results in West-Murphy race, sending staff to assess (FL)
Later in the evening, we were interviewed on OwnTheNarrative.com's Internet radio program. You can listen to the first 27 minutes here.
The bottom line of the part you didn't hear: Shouldn't a Republican vote be equal to a Democrat vote? If we should "love our neighbor as ourself," shouldn't we love our neighbor's vote as our own? Undermining the voting process through fraud shows a fundamental disrespect of the Democratic process. Where does this come from?
The top down.
Eric Holder could have spent the last two and four years prosecuting voter fraud, but the voter fraud was working for him. Barack Obama could have denounced what happened in 2008 and 2010 in Nevada and many other places, but he doubled down, putting power over principle. I want a President who respects the Democratic process, who respects my vote. Shouldn't we all?
In 2012, widespread, systematic election fraud has turned our Democratic Republic upside down.
Let's right this ship!
Another Facebook group starts posting links to voter fraud.
Week later, more than 300,000 Ohio votes remain uncounted | WashingtonExaminer.com (OH)
State ‘concerned’ about St. Lucie County results in West-Murphy race, sending staff to assess (FL)
“Is it odd that a county that expelled GOP inspectors and had people openly campaigning for Obama ended with 99.5% for Obama and 9955 votes for him? It’s up to you to decide.”
In the wake of news that 47% of states have citizens who have put in petitions to the White House for their state to secede, this is a valuable post offering three perspectives on pursuing voter fraud vs. secession. Obviously the first should be considered first, but it is a natural reaction to want to leave when fraud is being ignored and an election has been turned upside down.
Think About It: Secede or Report Voter Fraud via Obama White House Website?
Our country is worth keeping, and particularly our Constitution, but there is a growing feeling that it would be better to jump ship than go through four more years of Obama. After all, it was the hope of someone like Mitt Romney that gave people hope the last four years, and fraud concerns will not go away in four years if not dealt with today. If people do want to leave, they should be sending petitions to their Governors rather than to the White House. It is ironic that this is going on just as Puerto Rico votes itself in! God bless the USA, but I think a lot of us are done with Obama.
Photo: Boxes of Uncounted Military Ballots in Allen West’s Florida District (FL)
Photo: Boxes of Uncounted Military Ballots in Allen West’s Florida District (FL)
Anyone bet some of those are for Mitt, too?
If we want to fight the ills of Chicago style politics, it helps to know what kind of corruption is going on in Chicago itself! DefendTheVote.com has many updates on Illinois. (IL)
Colorado sets the stage for a bogus election (second entry on page) (CO)
The Las Vegas Review Journal: How many non-citizens are registered to vote? (NV)
Must watch/listen to Wayne Allen Root Interview on Obama's election fraud.
As we continue through this process, I think it is important that we pay attention to BOTH the extra votes that appear for Obama and the missing votes for Romney, which are a little harder to calculate, but should have been reflected in traditionally accurate polls and predictors like Rasmussen and the Colorado model. Look at the margins by which both were off, and you will likely see how much voter fraud we should be looking at in each state. Wayne Allen Root mentions the Colorado model briefly in the interview above, not to mention relative crowd sizes at events. Mitt was clearly winning in enthusiasm on all fronts.
PolitiJim reports that "The GOP Can Not Legally Help Stop Vote Fraud" because of a contract with the DNC. Really? Someone has to.
Meanwhile, this occurred on election day:
Election Judge Wears Obama Cap While Checking in Voters in Obama's Chicago Ward (IL)
If we want to fight the ills of Chicago style politics, it helps to know what kind of corruption is going on in Chicago itself! DefendTheVote.com has many updates on Illinois. (IL)
Colorado sets the stage for a bogus election (second entry on page) (CO)
The Las Vegas Review Journal: How many non-citizens are registered to vote? (NV)
Must watch/listen to Wayne Allen Root Interview on Obama's election fraud.
As we continue through this process, I think it is important that we pay attention to BOTH the extra votes that appear for Obama and the missing votes for Romney, which are a little harder to calculate, but should have been reflected in traditionally accurate polls and predictors like Rasmussen and the Colorado model. Look at the margins by which both were off, and you will likely see how much voter fraud we should be looking at in each state. Wayne Allen Root mentions the Colorado model briefly in the interview above, not to mention relative crowd sizes at events. Mitt was clearly winning in enthusiasm on all fronts.
PolitiJim reports that "The GOP Can Not Legally Help Stop Vote Fraud" because of a contract with the DNC. Really? Someone has to.
Meanwhile, this occurred on election day:
Election Judge Wears Obama Cap While Checking in Voters in Obama's Chicago Ward (IL)
The person he is giving a card to was given two ballots.
This report suggests the Military Voter Protection Project has broken down under Obama, making it much more difficult for military service members to get absentee ballots.
“Many [troops] believe their votes won’t count."
"The military is one of the most underrepresented groups in the country. It doesn’t seem like correcting this problem has been a priority for this administration."
Another article on military voting: RYUN: Obama suppressing the military vote - Washington Times
"So, why aren’t soldiers voting? In many cases they simply can’t, and they have their commander in chief, President Obama, to blame."
The American Thinker: Was the 2012 Election Stolen?
What do you think... Is Barack Obama devaluing our votes faster than he is the dollar? We can restore respect to our Democratic Republican system by getting to the bottom of this (the missing votes for Romney, the extra votes for Obama, and the systemic issues!) and hopefully putting the right people in office!
Bev Harris: Romney Votes Not Counted in Key States
A Chicago voting-machine tech is sounding the alarm, claiming he witnessed multiple error messages on the voting touch-screens this election, but only in cases where people voted for Mitt Romney. (IL)
The Problem of Voter Fraud in The Election
This report suggests the Military Voter Protection Project has broken down under Obama, making it much more difficult for military service members to get absentee ballots.
“Many [troops] believe their votes won’t count."
"The military is one of the most underrepresented groups in the country. It doesn’t seem like correcting this problem has been a priority for this administration."
Another article on military voting: RYUN: Obama suppressing the military vote - Washington Times
"So, why aren’t soldiers voting? In many cases they simply can’t, and they have their commander in chief, President Obama, to blame."
The American Thinker: Was the 2012 Election Stolen?
What do you think... Is Barack Obama devaluing our votes faster than he is the dollar? We can restore respect to our Democratic Republican system by getting to the bottom of this (the missing votes for Romney, the extra votes for Obama, and the systemic issues!) and hopefully putting the right people in office!
Bev Harris: Romney Votes Not Counted in Key States
A Chicago voting-machine tech is sounding the alarm, claiming he witnessed multiple error messages on the voting touch-screens this election, but only in cases where people voted for Mitt Romney. (IL)
The Problem of Voter Fraud in The Election
This might be the most important evidence of the day:
Florida Election software Flips Vote: Losers Certified as Winners - Democratic Underground (FL)
"What's news here is that a prominent elections official is admitting what has been known by activists for a long time, and further admitting that she's scared, and not wanting to hide the truth from voters."
“You know the first thing that they tell you is you’re going to scare the voters,” Bucher said. “Well you know what… we’re scared too.”
CBS4 Investigates: Palm Beach County’s 2012 Ballot Debacle - CBS Miami (FL)
WEDNESDAY UPDATES - November 14, 2012
A 2008 news report showing a Diebold voting machine being hacked in ten seconds so that three votes for one candidate show up as one vote for that candidate and two for the other.
North Carolina Registers Over 583 Democrat Votes Over the Age of 112 - Charlotte Conservative | Examiner.com (NC)
What the Heck Happened in Cuyahoga County, Ohio? (OH)
22 Signs That Voter Fraud Is Wildly Out Of Control And The Election Was A Sham
Video: Liars, Cheaters, and Thieves
Busted: Obama’s Fieldworks Office Admits Funneling Money to Defeat Allen West (FL)
22 Signs That Voter Fraud Is Wildly Out Of Control And The Election Was A Sham
Video: Liars, Cheaters, and Thieves
Busted: Obama’s Fieldworks Office Admits Funneling Money to Defeat Allen West (FL)
St. Lucie elections supervisor admits errors (FL)
RNC chairman calls for full recount in West-Murphy race (FL)
Video: Obama Stole the Election (Posted by Western Center for Journalism)
Much more to come!
THURSDAY UPDATES - November 15, 2012
Maine GOP chairman says he's probing voter fraud (ME)
19,605 to zero is statistical proof of outright vote fraud in 2012 presidential election
Would you sell out your country for a hamburger? Apparently some did in California: (CA)
Apparently one of the reasons for Obama not wanting voter ID is so they can have poll workers vote for people who don't even show up. How many places did this happen November 6th?
This is apparently a practice Obama helped develop as a "Community Organizer" in corrupt Chicago, allowing them to get high minority "turnout" in places where relatively few actually showed up.
Please send reports like this to us through our Facebook volunteer group as well as to the GOP.
You can also post in the Comment section below!
Thank you!!!
FRIDAY UPDATES - November 16, 2012
First hand reports by technicians of machines systematically not counting Romney votes:
Allen West, Mitt Romney, and Obama's Massive Voter Fraud Machine
Video: Princeton University exposes Diebold voting machine flaws in 2006
A lot of people have moved to our Facebook Obama Voter Fraud Volunteer group and started their own groups to combat what we have posted here. Here is one group that posts a lot of new information:
We will post all reports of voter fraud here.
It is increasingly clear that this election was stolen. The only mandate Obama has is to resign.
It is also clear that we have some systemic election issues that will never guarantee a free and fair election if not resolved.
If we had an honorable President in office, maybe something would be done about it. Of course, a President who won't submit to Americans seeing his college transcripts and whose lawyers admit on video his birth certificate was a fraud may not submit to a revote.
I would still like to see Secretaries of State refuse to certify the result. The world should know that the election was compromised and that Barack Obama is not the person America chose in 2012, if in 2008! I have not seen what evidence John McCain had but did not act on. Had he acted on it, maybe we would not have this result in 2012.
I am also increasingly supportive of those who have petitioned all 50 states to secede, not that I want America to break up, but because it would fulfill the Declaration of Independence's suggestion that:
"Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, that whenever any form of Government becomes destructive of those ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it, and institute new Government."
With the mass destruction to our economy (Hostess had to lay off 18,500 people this morning due to a strike and bankruptcy and the stock market suffered its fourth worst hit of all time the day Obama was reelected, the first being the first time he was elected) and the imposition of a President who has not truly been elected, we may be at that point. The world could see that conservative states become prosperous, while the corrupt states fall apart without successful people to tax. It would not be long before those liberal states would be begging to return to a united America. A month ago that would have seemed like an extreme position. Today it seems natural and something that should at least be considered seriously if election results cannot be repaired and relied upon.
Some say that America deserves what it got on November 6th. I believe America deserves better, because we voted for Mitt. We voted for America.
I respectfully also would like to see Mitt stand up and say and do something about the voter fraud issue. He is the elected leader of the Republican Party via the Primaries (most others are appointed.) We know Obama will not do anything about fraud because it would recognize that there is a problem and his party and backers had everything to do with it. I believe Obama is very vulnerable right now, and the world, not just America, needs to know there are issues with this election and that America is on track to fix these problems. Some issues may have to be dealt with before the economy. Free market Capitalism is built on a foundation of Democracy, and that foundation is crumbling. There will be social unrest no matter what happens. We could use your leadership, Mitt!
I would also like a light shone on the people who are the Chicago machine. We know they are behind this but what does America know about them? This doesn't have to be Mitt. We just need to make sure America knows who they are. They may not be wearing black robes, but they are "clothed" in darkness, hiding for a reason. Any good sources out there? This is a call for names, not conspiracy theories. America deserves a truer scapegoat than George W. Bush. Send what you find to the people who are still watching out for you in the media. We are in an Internet age where transparency should be the norm, and these Corruptocrats should not be exempt. ALL should be revealed. Thanks!
In other positive news that makes voters smile, the petition to impeach Obama has exceeded the number required for the Obama administration to give an official response.
SATURDAY UPDATES - November 17, 2012
Video: Poll Watcher: Massive Voter Fraud In Virginia (VA)
This information means there is now significant evidence of massive voter fraud favoring Obama in every swing state.

Video: Obama Stole the Election (Posted by Western Center for Journalism)
Much more to come!
THURSDAY UPDATES - November 15, 2012
Maine GOP chairman says he's probing voter fraud (ME)
19,605 to zero is statistical proof of outright vote fraud in 2012 presidential election
Would you sell out your country for a hamburger? Apparently some did in California: (CA)
Apparently one of the reasons for Obama not wanting voter ID is so they can have poll workers vote for people who don't even show up. How many places did this happen November 6th?
This is apparently a practice Obama helped develop as a "Community Organizer" in corrupt Chicago, allowing them to get high minority "turnout" in places where relatively few actually showed up.
Please send reports like this to us through our Facebook volunteer group as well as to the GOP.
You can also post in the Comment section below!
Thank you!!!
FRIDAY UPDATES - November 16, 2012
First hand reports by technicians of machines systematically not counting Romney votes:
Allen West, Mitt Romney, and Obama's Massive Voter Fraud Machine
Video: Princeton University exposes Diebold voting machine flaws in 2006
A lot of people have moved to our Facebook Obama Voter Fraud Volunteer group and started their own groups to combat what we have posted here. Here is one group that posts a lot of new information:
We will post all reports of voter fraud here.
It is increasingly clear that this election was stolen. The only mandate Obama has is to resign.
It is also clear that we have some systemic election issues that will never guarantee a free and fair election if not resolved.
If we had an honorable President in office, maybe something would be done about it. Of course, a President who won't submit to Americans seeing his college transcripts and whose lawyers admit on video his birth certificate was a fraud may not submit to a revote.
I would still like to see Secretaries of State refuse to certify the result. The world should know that the election was compromised and that Barack Obama is not the person America chose in 2012, if in 2008! I have not seen what evidence John McCain had but did not act on. Had he acted on it, maybe we would not have this result in 2012.
I am also increasingly supportive of those who have petitioned all 50 states to secede, not that I want America to break up, but because it would fulfill the Declaration of Independence's suggestion that:
"Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, that whenever any form of Government becomes destructive of those ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it, and institute new Government."
With the mass destruction to our economy (Hostess had to lay off 18,500 people this morning due to a strike and bankruptcy and the stock market suffered its fourth worst hit of all time the day Obama was reelected, the first being the first time he was elected) and the imposition of a President who has not truly been elected, we may be at that point. The world could see that conservative states become prosperous, while the corrupt states fall apart without successful people to tax. It would not be long before those liberal states would be begging to return to a united America. A month ago that would have seemed like an extreme position. Today it seems natural and something that should at least be considered seriously if election results cannot be repaired and relied upon.
Some say that America deserves what it got on November 6th. I believe America deserves better, because we voted for Mitt. We voted for America.
I respectfully also would like to see Mitt stand up and say and do something about the voter fraud issue. He is the elected leader of the Republican Party via the Primaries (most others are appointed.) We know Obama will not do anything about fraud because it would recognize that there is a problem and his party and backers had everything to do with it. I believe Obama is very vulnerable right now, and the world, not just America, needs to know there are issues with this election and that America is on track to fix these problems. Some issues may have to be dealt with before the economy. Free market Capitalism is built on a foundation of Democracy, and that foundation is crumbling. There will be social unrest no matter what happens. We could use your leadership, Mitt!
I would also like a light shone on the people who are the Chicago machine. We know they are behind this but what does America know about them? This doesn't have to be Mitt. We just need to make sure America knows who they are. They may not be wearing black robes, but they are "clothed" in darkness, hiding for a reason. Any good sources out there? This is a call for names, not conspiracy theories. America deserves a truer scapegoat than George W. Bush. Send what you find to the people who are still watching out for you in the media. We are in an Internet age where transparency should be the norm, and these Corruptocrats should not be exempt. ALL should be revealed. Thanks!
In other positive news that makes voters smile, the petition to impeach Obama has exceeded the number required for the Obama administration to give an official response.
SATURDAY UPDATES - November 17, 2012
Video: Poll Watcher: Massive Voter Fraud In Virginia (VA)
This information means there is now significant evidence of massive voter fraud favoring Obama in every swing state.
Son of Dem Congressman Jim Moran resigns from campaign after voter fraud video surfaces
More details on why the GOP cannot challenge voter fraud directly (but should!)
This does not mean others cannot or that we should not be forwarding information about fraud to them.
RNC Chairman Priebus Calls on St. Lucie County Election Officials to Ensure a Proper Count of Early Ballots
“This is not about any one candidate. It is about preserving and protecting the integrity of our democratic system. Regardless of the outcome, voters have the right to know the process was fair and that the results accurately reflect their will.”
Friday: Allen West Recount Approved! Takes place today. (FL)
Need to contact a Governor about voter fraud? Their websites, all 50 states.
Broward county Florida elections office under fire for voter fraud. (FL)
Update on secession fever, now in all 50 states
The American Thinker on the suspicious vote count in the Allen West race
In other news, we've passed 1,000 volunteers on Facebook! Thanks for all you do!
SUNDAY UPDATES - November 18, 2012
Hacker organization "Anonymous" admits to having hacked GOP GOTV system on election day.
That's 12,857.14% extra voting in one St. Lucie County, Florida precinct! (FL)
As one observer writes, "The Obama election play book is being revealed chapter by chapter in#AllenWestRecount. Wake up, America!"
MONDAY UPDATES - November 19, 2012
American Thinker: Did Obama Cheat? How to Answer the Question
The answer is 141% yes, by the way.
Thank you to one of our commenters for recommending this list of voter fraud links:
"The List", Obama Voter Fraud
We have many of these in our post, but there are some new ones.
More to come!
SUNDAY UPDATES - November 25, 2012
What happened to our votes?
White House petitions. How are they doing?
City of Philadelphia will audit it's election Day process
Broward county Florida elections office under fire for voter fraud. (FL)
Update on secession fever, now in all 50 states
The American Thinker on the suspicious vote count in the Allen West race
In other news, we've passed 1,000 volunteers on Facebook! Thanks for all you do!
SUNDAY UPDATES - November 18, 2012
Hacker organization "Anonymous" admits to having hacked GOP GOTV system on election day.
Opinion: Voter Fraud: Calling A Spade A Spade
A Twitter update from the #AllenWestRecount says Precinct 93 had 7 registered voters (a Guatemalan community) and the tally showed 900 voted! The Palm Beach Post confirms:That's 12,857.14% extra voting in one St. Lucie County, Florida precinct! (FL)
As one observer writes, "The Obama election play book is being revealed chapter by chapter in
MONDAY UPDATES - November 19, 2012
American Thinker: Did Obama Cheat? How to Answer the Question
The answer is 141% yes, by the way.
Thank you to one of our commenters for recommending this list of voter fraud links:
"The List", Obama Voter Fraud
We have many of these in our post, but there are some new ones.
More to come!
SUNDAY UPDATES - November 25, 2012
What happened to our votes?
White House petitions. How are they doing?
City of Philadelphia will audit it's election Day process
Forensic Profiler Andrew G. Hodges, M.D.: Obama confessing election fraud
Many more links to fraud reports.
TUESDAY UPDATES - November 27, 2012
How easy is it to steal an election with absentee ballots?
Video: Voter Fraud in Troy, New York
Four Democrats in New York indicted for trying to steal an election. Not the first!
Is this really "normal"? It shouldn't be, in New York or DC, let alone swing states!
Barack Obama's second term legacy, at least on the campaign trail, will be written in history as fraud and revenge, a far cry from hope and change. With your help and God's, may fraud and revenge not be America's legacy!
Have fraud to report? Let us know in the comments below or report it to VoterFraud@FoxNews.com! You can also contact the GOP and the FBI.
THURSDAY UPDATES - November 29, 2012
22 Signs That Voter Fraud Is Wildly Out Of Control And The Election Was A Sham
Voter Fraud in Nevada (NV)
More on the George Soros - Voting Machine Company Ownership Connection.
Recall that George Soros is banned from Hungary for rigging an election there.
Soros was also an admitted youth volunteer / spy for Adolf Hitler during World War 2 and one of the people who financed and laid the groundwork for Barack Obama's run starting just after the 2002 Senate victory.
The article also notes, "Many local officials are calling on the FBI to do a forensic analysis of the voting machines—which are really computers—to determine if they have, in fact, been “hacked.”
I fully support such an investigation.
In addition, the article contains a video describing how voting machines can be rigged by remote control, meaning local volunteers don't even have to know what is going on. Cost of rigging? About $10.50.
A Tea Party article that requires a password to access:
Democrats Did Steal the Election
More Virginia eyewitnesses of election fraud including the Supervisor of Virginia's State Board of Elections.
Video: FBI May Impound "Pro-Obama" Voting Machines
Nevada Secretary of State Miller to Propose Voter ID!
“His proposal would require photo ID of registered voters be included in polling books kept by county election officials. Workers would then check the photos on file when someone signs in to vote. Poll workers would take photos of anyone who lacks a photo ID to be included in the records.”
It's nice to see a Democrat helping the cause!
I think we should go beyond that and allow greater transparency even after the vote, so you can maybe log in (like checking your bank account balance online) and make sure your vote has been counted and recorded properly or see if someone else has voted for you.
If banks like Wells Fargo can get ATM's right, there is no excuse for voting machine fraud and failure. Maybe we should be voting in banks and credit unions? Surely our votes deserve that much security or more?
How many trillions in debt, interest, and taxes will this year's fraudulent result cost Americans today and our future generations? For what other public or private institution would we accept such wide discrepancies, let alone brush over hundreds of thousands of concerned citizens requesting an audit, wanting to know why they have been disenfranchised by fraud?
If we let this go now, do you think things will get better or worse four years from now? Obama let all fraud go unpunished in 2008. What message did that send his more devious supporters in 2012?
Why did Obama continue to allow Soros (banned for election fraud in Hungary) and former Acorn operatives (convicted of election fraud in 2010 in Nevada) under the guise of the UN to oversee major parts of the election? Does anyone really believe Barack Obama has any respect for our Democratic Republic process other than neglecting his economic and national security duties to campaign?
A full nationwide recount is probably unrealistic, but there is much that can and must be done if we the people are to have any degree of confidence in our native right to choose who leads and represents us. The FBI can and should do forensic tests on all suspect voting machines, keeping in mind that some voting machine "viruses" have been shown to erase themselves after the job of fraud is done.
The union members in Nevada who forced illegals to register and vote should be arrested and imprisoned to send a message for future elections. Recounts in swing states are very appropriate, although they will not catch some of the more egregious types of fraud. The weight of counties that have more than 100% voter participation should be reduced accordingly to match voter turnout in counties that do not appear tampered with. We should push for voter ID laws in all 50 states, with help for those who cannot physically fill out an application to get ID's.
All military votes should be counted, and systems should be put in place that get absentee ballots to overseas military automatically no matter how negligent the President is in providing registration opportunities.
Above all, we need to make sure the world knows what Obama and his evil electioneering elves did in 2012, 2010, and 2008, that the actual count was not legitimate and we know it. Republicans and Independents should continue to fight for the America we really voted for, and Mitt should be a part of it.
If there is a way to fix the election result, as I am told there is, it needs to be acted on (Reince Preibus!), if not for Mitt, then for the 23 to 24 million Americans who are still unemployed or underemployed and for our kids and grandkids who do not deserve to be saddled with the debts Obama plans to impose on us. Debt does not bring hope, it suffocates it, Mr. should-be-former President.
Finally, if there is a finger to be pointed for fraud, perhaps we should investigate the people who Obama met with first after his "victory" in 2012 and met with most after his 2008 election? What does John McCain and his staff know about these people and the fraud that took place in 2008 that might help us learn more about and deal with what happened in 2012?
Like I said, there is much to be done.
MONDAY UPDATES - December 3, 2012
My friend David suggests the use of machines from TruVote rather than easy to manipulate Diebold machines. Diebold is ironically an ATM manufacturer that did not put any of the same security measures into voting machines. http://www.TruVote.com/ This will not eliminate all fraud, but it could get rid of the problem with missing ballots.
The website has a link to this excerpt from the documentary Uncounted: The New Math of American Elections.
The full 2008 movie can be purchased from Amazon for less than $10.
Speaking of Amazon, there are at least two books on how to prove voter fraud. I have yet to read them, but here are links:
Proving Election Fraud: Phantom Voters, Uncounted Votes, and the National Exit Poll
Election Fraud: Detecting and Deterring Electoral Manipulation (Brookings Series on Election Administration and Reform)
More on the Maine GOP Chair Investigating Voter Fraud (Video)
Voter Fraud Prompts Changes in Starr County
Congress urged: Investigate vote fraud now
More good news! Obama's eligibility will now be considered in Florida.
TUESDAY UPDATES - December 4, 2012
A YouTube segment about e-voting fraud.
Jewish Task Force Video: Mitt Romney defeated Barack Obama - if not for voter fraud
I'd like to see the FBI do facial recognition scans on people in the photos from Maine, then question them. Anyone else think a lot of those repeat voters come from Chicago?
I received a call yesterday from Elaine, who says Wood County, Ohio residents have been telling her a similar story about unrecognized people showing up at the polls in large numbers. The reliably Republican county went for Obama as a result. The Ohio residents described them as "people who looked like they needed a handout."
The Obama voter fraud swing state tour of 2012?
This appears to have happened from city to city, then state to state, not just once per person per state.
THURSDAY UPDATES - December 6, 2012
Patriot76 has left some great comments below, and recommends HaltVoterFraud.com. Take a look!
After weeks of looking into this, I am confident that Mitt Romney had more Americans vote for him on Election Day 2012. Obama had less, but thanks to a mostly organized (criminal) effort, his voters voted more often in more places than the law allows.
Thank you for your continuing offers to volunteer. This country needs more people like you and less like Obama. YOU are the real hope of America!
WEDNESDAY UPDATES, December 12, 2012
A list of the Presidential candidates who received the most votes puts Obama in the first two positions, with massive fraud reported both times. Mitt Romney appears to be the candidate who received the most legitimate votes in US history, even with many Mitt votes being misplaced by Obama supporters, switched over by tampered with voting machines, and hacker organization Anonymous having hacked his GOTV operation.
Many of these votes were for Mitt, and others were against Obama. What this means is a record breaking number of Americas are in direct opposition to the fraudulent result we witnessed November 6th. Should a fraudulent vote outweigh a legitimate one?
Dear GOP, you have America's support and mandate to stand against Obama in every way. You, too, Mitt!
With Obama reportedly not planning a public inauguration (and Oath to abide by the Constitution), and given his past statements regarding the "flaws" of the Constitution, his loyalty to the country is more than questionable.
I do not recognize Barack Obama as President of anything.
God will hold Barack Obama accountable for the Oath of Office regardless of whether he recites it. So should we, as citizens and elected leaders of this land.
THURSDAY UPDATES, December 13, 2012
A new Facebook group is available with a chance to make a difference!
Please visit one or both of the following!
Barack Obama and his staff are already telegraphing some very irresponsible actions, like giving F-16 fighter jets to Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood rather than Israel. The head of Obama's jobs council (who strangely he has not met with in nine months), just suggested Communism works.
Are we really going to allow massive election fraud and a few people who are willing to sell out our country for free birth control (Sandra Fluke) and other handouts end America and free enterprise as we and the Founding Fathers know it?
If you aren't worried about that, it might be time to watch 2016: Obama's America, from Academy Award winning Producer Gerald Molen.
Just saw this:
Election official in Philadelphia says she doesn't "care what the law says!"
How many trillions in debt, interest, and taxes will this year's fraudulent result cost Americans today and our future generations? For what other public or private institution would we accept such wide discrepancies, let alone brush over hundreds of thousands of concerned citizens requesting an audit, wanting to know why they have been disenfranchised by fraud?
If we let this go now, do you think things will get better or worse four years from now? Obama let all fraud go unpunished in 2008. What message did that send his more devious supporters in 2012?
Why did Obama continue to allow Soros (banned for election fraud in Hungary) and former Acorn operatives (convicted of election fraud in 2010 in Nevada) under the guise of the UN to oversee major parts of the election? Does anyone really believe Barack Obama has any respect for our Democratic Republic process other than neglecting his economic and national security duties to campaign?
A full nationwide recount is probably unrealistic, but there is much that can and must be done if we the people are to have any degree of confidence in our native right to choose who leads and represents us. The FBI can and should do forensic tests on all suspect voting machines, keeping in mind that some voting machine "viruses" have been shown to erase themselves after the job of fraud is done.
The union members in Nevada who forced illegals to register and vote should be arrested and imprisoned to send a message for future elections. Recounts in swing states are very appropriate, although they will not catch some of the more egregious types of fraud. The weight of counties that have more than 100% voter participation should be reduced accordingly to match voter turnout in counties that do not appear tampered with. We should push for voter ID laws in all 50 states, with help for those who cannot physically fill out an application to get ID's.
All military votes should be counted, and systems should be put in place that get absentee ballots to overseas military automatically no matter how negligent the President is in providing registration opportunities.
Above all, we need to make sure the world knows what Obama and his evil electioneering elves did in 2012, 2010, and 2008, that the actual count was not legitimate and we know it. Republicans and Independents should continue to fight for the America we really voted for, and Mitt should be a part of it.
If there is a way to fix the election result, as I am told there is, it needs to be acted on (Reince Preibus!), if not for Mitt, then for the 23 to 24 million Americans who are still unemployed or underemployed and for our kids and grandkids who do not deserve to be saddled with the debts Obama plans to impose on us. Debt does not bring hope, it suffocates it, Mr. should-be-former President.
Finally, if there is a finger to be pointed for fraud, perhaps we should investigate the people who Obama met with first after his "victory" in 2012 and met with most after his 2008 election? What does John McCain and his staff know about these people and the fraud that took place in 2008 that might help us learn more about and deal with what happened in 2012?
Like I said, there is much to be done.
MONDAY UPDATES - December 3, 2012
My friend David suggests the use of machines from TruVote rather than easy to manipulate Diebold machines. Diebold is ironically an ATM manufacturer that did not put any of the same security measures into voting machines. http://www.TruVote.com/ This will not eliminate all fraud, but it could get rid of the problem with missing ballots.
The website has a link to this excerpt from the documentary Uncounted: The New Math of American Elections.
The full 2008 movie can be purchased from Amazon for less than $10.
Speaking of Amazon, there are at least two books on how to prove voter fraud. I have yet to read them, but here are links:
Proving Election Fraud: Phantom Voters, Uncounted Votes, and the National Exit Poll
Election Fraud: Detecting and Deterring Electoral Manipulation (Brookings Series on Election Administration and Reform)
It is notable that this election, many state voter polls were called off by the media, because, supposedly, they were too expensive.
Another issue is the privatization of voting results. Why are details of voting software allowed trade secret protection? Why have many public officials signed away the right to know what is in the machines or for the public to be able to see the actual results?
Another issue is the privatization of voting results. Why are details of voting software allowed trade secret protection? Why have many public officials signed away the right to know what is in the machines or for the public to be able to see the actual results?
More on the Maine GOP Chair Investigating Voter Fraud (Video)
Voter Fraud Prompts Changes in Starr County
Congress urged: Investigate vote fraud now
More good news! Obama's eligibility will now be considered in Florida.
TUESDAY UPDATES - December 4, 2012
A YouTube segment about e-voting fraud.
Jewish Task Force Video: Mitt Romney defeated Barack Obama - if not for voter fraud
I'd like to see the FBI do facial recognition scans on people in the photos from Maine, then question them. Anyone else think a lot of those repeat voters come from Chicago?
I received a call yesterday from Elaine, who says Wood County, Ohio residents have been telling her a similar story about unrecognized people showing up at the polls in large numbers. The reliably Republican county went for Obama as a result. The Ohio residents described them as "people who looked like they needed a handout."
The Obama voter fraud swing state tour of 2012?
This appears to have happened from city to city, then state to state, not just once per person per state.
THURSDAY UPDATES - December 6, 2012
Patriot76 has left some great comments below, and recommends HaltVoterFraud.com. Take a look!
After weeks of looking into this, I am confident that Mitt Romney had more Americans vote for him on Election Day 2012. Obama had less, but thanks to a mostly organized (criminal) effort, his voters voted more often in more places than the law allows.
Thank you for your continuing offers to volunteer. This country needs more people like you and less like Obama. YOU are the real hope of America!
WEDNESDAY UPDATES, December 12, 2012
A list of the Presidential candidates who received the most votes puts Obama in the first two positions, with massive fraud reported both times. Mitt Romney appears to be the candidate who received the most legitimate votes in US history, even with many Mitt votes being misplaced by Obama supporters, switched over by tampered with voting machines, and hacker organization Anonymous having hacked his GOTV operation.
Many of these votes were for Mitt, and others were against Obama. What this means is a record breaking number of Americas are in direct opposition to the fraudulent result we witnessed November 6th. Should a fraudulent vote outweigh a legitimate one?
Dear GOP, you have America's support and mandate to stand against Obama in every way. You, too, Mitt!
With Obama reportedly not planning a public inauguration (and Oath to abide by the Constitution), and given his past statements regarding the "flaws" of the Constitution, his loyalty to the country is more than questionable.
I do not recognize Barack Obama as President of anything.
God will hold Barack Obama accountable for the Oath of Office regardless of whether he recites it. So should we, as citizens and elected leaders of this land.
THURSDAY UPDATES, December 13, 2012
A new Facebook group is available with a chance to make a difference!
Please visit one or both of the following!
Barack Obama and his staff are already telegraphing some very irresponsible actions, like giving F-16 fighter jets to Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood rather than Israel. The head of Obama's jobs council (who strangely he has not met with in nine months), just suggested Communism works.
Are we really going to allow massive election fraud and a few people who are willing to sell out our country for free birth control (Sandra Fluke) and other handouts end America and free enterprise as we and the Founding Fathers know it?
If you aren't worried about that, it might be time to watch 2016: Obama's America, from Academy Award winning Producer Gerald Molen.
Just saw this:
Election official in Philadelphia says she doesn't "care what the law says!"
Is that an attitude about law and Democracy that is acceptable from an election judge?
From this and other reports on this page, it appears the Chicago machine Obama works for is exporting its ideas about "organizing America" all over. Personally I'd rather have Al Capone as President. He at least respected "free markets" and the second amendment. Obama did not win legally, and he must go.
America deserves Mitt. WE chose him. Chicago chose Obama.
Who does America belong to? Who was America created to preserve and protect? WE the people.
One more petition to sign!
SUNDAY UPDATES, December 16, 2012
Friday saw the senseless shooting of 27 innocent children in Connecticut, a tragedy eerily similar to another that occurred in Colorado at the premiere of The Dark Knight Rises.
What does this have to do with the election? Buckle up.
The "shooters" were both sons of people who were set to testify in the LIBOR bank scandal hearings before the US Senate. As a friend puts it:
"The father of Newtown Connecticut school shooter Adam Lanza is Peter Lanza who is a VP and Tax Director at GE Financial. The father of Aurora Colorado movie theater shooter James Holmes is Robert Holmes, the lead scientist for the credit score company FICO. Both men were to testify before the US Senate in the ongoing LIBOR scandal. The London Interbank Offered Rate, known as LIBOR, is the average interest rate at which banks can borrow from each other. 16 international banks have been implicated in this ongoing scandal, accused of rigging contracts worth trillions of dollars. HSBC has already been fined $1.9 billion and three of their low level traders arrested. Ladies and gentlemen, we have a motive and a link. This coincidence is impossible to overlook. Two mass shootings connected to LIBOR."
This article from July 2012 gives an alternate version of the Colorado shooting.
A second one goes into the effects of Friday's shooting on everyone in the Senate testifier's family, from the brother (Ryan) to the murdered school teacher mother to the son (Adam.)
The real issue appears to relate to the recent audit of the Fed, which found $50 trillion in money laundering and continues to be investigated.
The second "shooter's" father just happens to be the person who can name names in the money laundering scheme. From what I've seen so far, some of those names match up nicely with the people whose agents brag privately about their bosses having given $600 million to elect Barack Obama in 2008 (our of $750 million total), and may have been behind the already called out as corrupt surge in Obama fundraising in the last two to three months of his 2012 campaign.
These are not Americans, and include (but are not limited to) Gordon Brown (UK Labour Party leader, Prime Minister, and the man publicly behind the cap and trade scam) and "the Royal Family" (probably not all of them) as well as unnamed royalty from the Middle East. (The King of Saudi Arabia? He knew about Obama's upcoming election before Americans did.)
Meanwhile, the shootings are being used by Obama's regime as "one more reason" to sign an international treaty that would strip Americans of our second amendment rights.
All of this deserves deep investigation, and will hopefully exonerate some and incriminate others.
No wonder Hillary Clinton is making excuses not to testify about Benghazi.
Obama and his Chicago and global allies may be ruthless, but remember who owns this country. First they take our votes and now our guns? Is there any doubt their real target is our freedom?
I'm not a big fan of conspiracy theories, but I am even less a fan of conspiracies themselves, and we are face to face with one. This chapter from a 2,600 to 1,600 year old book (600 BC to 421 AD) Mitt Romney's faith believes in along with the Bible is a bit chilling in the context of these events, and is talking about today because similar things befell them more than once:
24 Wherefore, the Lord commandeth you, when ye shall see these things come among you that ye shall awake to a sense of your awful situation, because of this secret combination which shall be among you; or wo be unto it, because of the blood of them who have been slain; for they cry from the dust for vengeance upon it, and also upon those who built it up.
"The blood of them who have been slain." Do 27 children and their teacher in a Connecticut school and 12 moviegoers in Colorado count?
The promising thing is history offers both a warning and a choice. It is either "wo unto us" or to them, and I count Obama among "them." He must be thrown out, stripped of his power or stopped, and we must all be aware.
Thank you to Mitt Romney for running in the name of freedom, and to all others who do so, in any position.
Thank you to the record setting number of Americans who voted for Mitt by legitimate means.
Thank you to those whom we have elected who choose, in spite of pressure to the contrary, to stand up to Obama and his freedom taking, power seeking allies in Chicago and around the world.
Thank you to those who are actively investigating (and acting on) the systematic fraud that took place on November 6th that affects every one of us for the worse.
Finally, thank you for caring, for all you do to set this country and election right.
THURSDAY UPDATES, December 20, 2012
“Our fundamental first right is our right to vote. I think closely behind it or maybe equal with it is the right to know that our vote is not being canceled out or offset by somebody who is not allowed to vote or not eligible to vote.” ~ Arizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett to Senate Judiciary Committee
Thanks Ken!
We the people are with you on this.
Is this really our country if our votes don't count?
To steal one vote is a crime of the highest magnitude. What does it mean to steal millions?
MONDAY UPDATES, December 31, 2012
Almost Happy New Year everyone!
Good news!
"Supreme Court of CA to rule whether Obama should be declared illegitimate for the U.S. Presidency due to his use of forged IDs and a fraudulently obtained CT Social Security number."
THURSDAY UPDATES, December 20, 2012
“Our fundamental first right is our right to vote. I think closely behind it or maybe equal with it is the right to know that our vote is not being canceled out or offset by somebody who is not allowed to vote or not eligible to vote.” ~ Arizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett to Senate Judiciary Committee
Thanks Ken!
We the people are with you on this.
Is this really our country if our votes don't count?
To steal one vote is a crime of the highest magnitude. What does it mean to steal millions?
MONDAY UPDATES, December 31, 2012
Almost Happy New Year everyone!
Good news!
"Supreme Court of CA to rule whether Obama should be declared illegitimate for the U.S. Presidency due to his use of forged IDs and a fraudulently obtained CT Social Security number."
The article goes on to say that a loss of California's 55 electoral votes may mean new elections.
Supporting briefs may be useful if you have access to top attorneys.
I can think of a lot more reasons why Barack Obama is an illegitimate President.
As a Facebook friend recently put it, we are currently, "One Nation Under Fraud."
Thank you, too, to Karen Bell, for her December 26th comment below that includes these updates (next three links):
We still have at least 700 people a day visiting this website, and many more are deeply concerned. The devastation of ObamaCare goes into effect tomorrow, and will cause massive damage to our economy and small businesses. If McDonalds needs a waiver to stay in business, so do we all!
Please support the Republican Congress in fighting Obama's new taxes and spending. We hired them in 2010 to stand up to Obama's spending, and I know they are under major pressure to cave. They are heroes for what they've done so far. The fiscal cliff would have hit two years ago if not for them!
I know a lot of you are discouraged, but remember that there are more of us than there are of him. Barack Obama only has that authority that we delegate to him by vote or by fear. The Constitution and America belong to us.
According to pre-election polls, there were 6% more Americans self-identifying as Republicans than Democrats, which shows a massive shift away from support for Obama. He did not get nearly the number of voters showing up as his numbers claim, and we likely got more. As stated earlier this month, Mitt Romney likely got more legitimate votes than any American candidate in history, when all votes were in.
We voted for freedom. We got something else. We can fix it.
The political will is here for Obama and his agenda to be gone.
Obama may have the position, but we have the mandate.
Back next year!
FRIDAY UPDATES, January 4, 2013
Thank you to Patriot76, who left the following comment/update below!
"The 20th Amendment says that if the President-elect “fails to qualify” by the beginning of his term (JAN 20), he must not “act as President”.
AZ Secretary of State, Ken Bennett formally requested that Hawaii Registrar Alvin Onaka verify these claimed "facts" that Barack Hussein Obama, II, male, was born
1.on Aug 4, 1961
2.in Honolulu
3.on the island of Oahu,
4.to Stanley Ann Dunham and
5.Barack Hussein Obama.
Though required by Hawaii law [HRS 338-14.3] to verify any submitted information that could be certified as the way the birth actually happened, Onaka did not verify any of those claims.
In response to Bennett’s additional page of requests Onaka did verify that the claims on the White House image of Obama’s BC are also claimed in ("match") the record on file. If the record were valid, Onaka is required by law to verify the truth of all the above-listed claims. By refusing to verify those things, Onaka indirectly confirmed (and certified) that Obama’s Hawaii BC, even if NOT a forgery, is based on a legally INvalid record.
Though most of the world believes the media and White House version rather than what the law actually says, the fact is that Hawaii has verified that they have no legally-determined birth date, birth place, or birth parents for Obama. Without knowing those facts for Obama, there is no way anybody can lawfully say Obama has qualified and no way that he actually ever COULD qualify.
To get Obama’s name on the state ballots, DNC Counsel bob Bauer submitted an Official Certification of Nomination claliming that Obama is qualified to serve as President. That could not and can not be known without legally-established birth facts for Obama, and Hawaii law says the only way to legally determine his birth facts is if the record is presented as evidence to a judicial or administrative person or body and it is decided whether the claims on the BC have any legal or evidentiary value.
Until that happens it is LEGALLY KNOWN that Barack Obama cannot qualify to be President.
In order to qualify (or disqualify) Barack Hussin Obama for inauguration on January 20, at least one (D or R) member of Congress (having unquestioned "standing" to do so) must file a suit to force the Hawaii Registrar to present Obama's Hawaii records as evidence to a judicial (or "administrative") court for an "up/down" determination of their probative value.
Unless Obama or the Hawaii Registrar, Onaka, is taken to court and forced to present Obama's birth record as evidence so the legal value of it can be determined and legal birth facts established, Obama can NEVER “qualify” for the Presidency as required by the 20th Amendment.
What congressperson is willing to step forward and perform this duty to his oath of office?
Jed, all, please join in and help.
This sounds like a plan that might work."
For those who have not kept up on the birth certificate issue, Barack Obama's lawyer admitted the officially released birth certificate was a forgery last year, and so obvious a forgery that it should not be counted against the President. :)
The media has not kept up, obviously.
Michelle Obama has also admitted Kenya is Obama's home country. Here is video. Michelle is a "birther", too. :)
MONDAY UPDATES, February 4, 2013
Saw this on Facebook today:
"True the Vote's lawsuit will provide information kept from the public. It will allow for a public debate on exactly what happened, why it happened, why it seems to happen repeatedly and how it can be stopped from happening again."
Related video.
In other news, Obama failed E-Verify, meaning he is not eligible to work in the United States.
What he is doing using a Connecticut social security number, when he has never lived in Connecticut, is a question the Supreme Court is now scheduled to examine. :) I'm told he's had five different social security numbers. One for each birth certificate?
Want to help curb election fraud? Colorado is suggesting serial numbers on ballots. Great idea!
Also from Facebook: "What do the NAACP, NEA, CWA, AFL-CIO, SEIU, UAW, Common Cause, Voto Latino, Demos, CREW, Center for American Progress, Sierra Club, Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth, National Wildlife Federation, and Color of Change all have in common? They’ve pledged “to build a national, coordinated campaign around three goals,” including “fighting voter ID laws.” Are they targeting your state?"
FRIDAY UPDATES, January 4, 2013
Thank you to Patriot76, who left the following comment/update below!
"The 20th Amendment says that if the President-elect “fails to qualify” by the beginning of his term (JAN 20), he must not “act as President”.
AZ Secretary of State, Ken Bennett formally requested that Hawaii Registrar Alvin Onaka verify these claimed "facts" that Barack Hussein Obama, II, male, was born
1.on Aug 4, 1961
2.in Honolulu
3.on the island of Oahu,
4.to Stanley Ann Dunham and
5.Barack Hussein Obama.
Though required by Hawaii law [HRS 338-14.3] to verify any submitted information that could be certified as the way the birth actually happened, Onaka did not verify any of those claims.
In response to Bennett’s additional page of requests Onaka did verify that the claims on the White House image of Obama’s BC are also claimed in ("match") the record on file. If the record were valid, Onaka is required by law to verify the truth of all the above-listed claims. By refusing to verify those things, Onaka indirectly confirmed (and certified) that Obama’s Hawaii BC, even if NOT a forgery, is based on a legally INvalid record.
Though most of the world believes the media and White House version rather than what the law actually says, the fact is that Hawaii has verified that they have no legally-determined birth date, birth place, or birth parents for Obama. Without knowing those facts for Obama, there is no way anybody can lawfully say Obama has qualified and no way that he actually ever COULD qualify.
To get Obama’s name on the state ballots, DNC Counsel bob Bauer submitted an Official Certification of Nomination claliming that Obama is qualified to serve as President. That could not and can not be known without legally-established birth facts for Obama, and Hawaii law says the only way to legally determine his birth facts is if the record is presented as evidence to a judicial or administrative person or body and it is decided whether the claims on the BC have any legal or evidentiary value.
Until that happens it is LEGALLY KNOWN that Barack Obama cannot qualify to be President.
In order to qualify (or disqualify) Barack Hussin Obama for inauguration on January 20, at least one (D or R) member of Congress (having unquestioned "standing" to do so) must file a suit to force the Hawaii Registrar to present Obama's Hawaii records as evidence to a judicial (or "administrative") court for an "up/down" determination of their probative value.
Unless Obama or the Hawaii Registrar, Onaka, is taken to court and forced to present Obama's birth record as evidence so the legal value of it can be determined and legal birth facts established, Obama can NEVER “qualify” for the Presidency as required by the 20th Amendment.
What congressperson is willing to step forward and perform this duty to his oath of office?
Jed, all, please join in and help.
This sounds like a plan that might work."
For those who have not kept up on the birth certificate issue, Barack Obama's lawyer admitted the officially released birth certificate was a forgery last year, and so obvious a forgery that it should not be counted against the President. :)
The media has not kept up, obviously.
Michelle Obama has also admitted Kenya is Obama's home country. Here is video. Michelle is a "birther", too. :)
MONDAY UPDATES, February 4, 2013
Saw this on Facebook today:
"True the Vote's lawsuit will provide information kept from the public. It will allow for a public debate on exactly what happened, why it happened, why it seems to happen repeatedly and how it can be stopped from happening again."
Related video.
In other news, Obama failed E-Verify, meaning he is not eligible to work in the United States.
What he is doing using a Connecticut social security number, when he has never lived in Connecticut, is a question the Supreme Court is now scheduled to examine. :) I'm told he's had five different social security numbers. One for each birth certificate?
Want to help curb election fraud? Colorado is suggesting serial numbers on ballots. Great idea!
Also from Facebook: "What do the NAACP, NEA, CWA, AFL-CIO, SEIU, UAW, Common Cause, Voto Latino, Demos, CREW, Center for American Progress, Sierra Club, Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth, National Wildlife Federation, and Color of Change all have in common? They’ve pledged “to build a national, coordinated campaign around three goals,” including “fighting voter ID laws.” Are they targeting your state?"
Election fraud is not the only fraud Obama and his team get involved in:
Sound like a pattern to you?
Of course, there is hope. According to this study, conservatives now outnumber liberals in 48 of 50 states. The future is bright! This is just one more evidence of the massive fraud that was required for Obama to still be in office. It could not be more obvious.
TUESDAY UPDATES, February 5, 2013
Barack Obama indicted! Watch and share the first five minutes of this important video!
Also, here is the Supreme Court website stating they will review Obama's eligibility on February 15th, including his use of a fraudulent social security number.
FRIDAY UPDATES, February 15, 2013
Today is the day the Supreme Court reviews Obama's forged identity case!
"The case titled Noonan, Judd, MacLeran, Taitz v Bowen provides a mountain of evidence of Barack Obama using a last name not legally his, forged Selective Service application, forged long form and short form birth certificate and a Connecticut Social Security number 042-68-4425 which was never assigned to him according to E-Verify and SSNVS. Additionally, this case provides evidence of around one and a half million invalid voter registrations in the state of California alone.
"More from Huffington Post: Taitz's case argues that Obama is using false identification, a fake last name, a false Social Security number and forged birth certificates, and Selective Service applications to run for president. She originally filed the lawsuit against California Secretary of State Debra Bowen (D) in her attempt to prevent California's electoral votes from being counted and to prevent Vice President Joe Biden from counting the electoral votes earlier this month."
TUESDAY UPDATES, February 5, 2013
Barack Obama indicted! Watch and share the first five minutes of this important video!
Also, here is the Supreme Court website stating they will review Obama's eligibility on February 15th, including his use of a fraudulent social security number.
FRIDAY UPDATES, February 15, 2013
Today is the day the Supreme Court reviews Obama's forged identity case!
"The case titled Noonan, Judd, MacLeran, Taitz v Bowen provides a mountain of evidence of Barack Obama using a last name not legally his, forged Selective Service application, forged long form and short form birth certificate and a Connecticut Social Security number 042-68-4425 which was never assigned to him according to E-Verify and SSNVS. Additionally, this case provides evidence of around one and a half million invalid voter registrations in the state of California alone.
"More from Huffington Post: Taitz's case argues that Obama is using false identification, a fake last name, a false Social Security number and forged birth certificates, and Selective Service applications to run for president. She originally filed the lawsuit against California Secretary of State Debra Bowen (D) in her attempt to prevent California's electoral votes from being counted and to prevent Vice President Joe Biden from counting the electoral votes earlier this month."
"For more information on this and other cases please, go to web site OrlyTaitzESQ.com. Attorney Taitz can be contacted at orly.taitz@gmail.com, fax 949-766-7603. In case of an emergency only she can be contacted by phone 949-683-5411."
Praying for her success!
In other news, our legitimate President and First Lady, Mitt and Ann Romney, just became grandparents to twins. Total grandkids? 20!
FRIDAY NIGHT UPDATE, February 15, 2013
"Proof brought before Court that Barack Obama's social security number belongs to a Russian immigrant named Harrison J. Bounel, born in 1890. Information regarding the SSN true owner was deleted by one Michelle Obama in 2009."
The person in charge of the Social Security Administration is conveniently about to be replaced by an Obama appointee in a few days, so a ruling is requested now.
The outcome of the case is apparently scheduled to be released Tuesday, February 19, 2013.
WEDNESDAY UPDATES, February 20, 2013
More corruption? It appears that the Supreme Court clerks only forwarded the information to four of the nine Supreme Court Justices, returning the rest to the attorney at the last minute. This meant there were not enough to hear the matter, and the application was "denied."
A notice of contempt has been filed in DC.
The urgent need is to contact Chairman Goodlatte of the House Judiciary Committee to investigate and have this put back on the docket so ALL NINE justices will deliberate.
A list of all Judiciary Committee members is here. Congressman Goodlatte's website is here. You can also email Kathryn Rexrode at the Judiciary Committee at Kathryn.Rexrode@mail.house.gov or call her at 202-225-3951 to get in touch with Congressman Goodlatte.
In other news, our legitimate President and First Lady, Mitt and Ann Romney, just became grandparents to twins. Total grandkids? 20!
FRIDAY NIGHT UPDATE, February 15, 2013
"Proof brought before Court that Barack Obama's social security number belongs to a Russian immigrant named Harrison J. Bounel, born in 1890. Information regarding the SSN true owner was deleted by one Michelle Obama in 2009."
The person in charge of the Social Security Administration is conveniently about to be replaced by an Obama appointee in a few days, so a ruling is requested now.
The outcome of the case is apparently scheduled to be released Tuesday, February 19, 2013.
WEDNESDAY UPDATES, February 20, 2013
More corruption? It appears that the Supreme Court clerks only forwarded the information to four of the nine Supreme Court Justices, returning the rest to the attorney at the last minute. This meant there were not enough to hear the matter, and the application was "denied."
A notice of contempt has been filed in DC.
The urgent need is to contact Chairman Goodlatte of the House Judiciary Committee to investigate and have this put back on the docket so ALL NINE justices will deliberate.
A list of all Judiciary Committee members is here. Congressman Goodlatte's website is here. You can also email Kathryn Rexrode at the Judiciary Committee at Kathryn.Rexrode@mail.house.gov or call her at 202-225-3951 to get in touch with Congressman Goodlatte.
Thanks for all you do! Barack Obama is not above the law, and neither are his partners in crime. They will be held to account in this life or the next. A crime against freedom is a crime against God.
This does not mean the American people and economy should have to wait. The Supreme Court has a Constitutional duty to take care of this, do you not? I would think this would be the most important case you could possibly review right now. Leave lesser cases to lesser courts, and take up the cause (case) of our freedom.
THURSDAY UPDATES, February 28, 2013
Some unrelated good news from the Supreme Court: The "pre-clearance" provision of the Voter Rights Act may be found unconstitutional. This is important because, according to Reince Preibus, the VRF is one reason why the GOP was unable to fight the obvious voter fraud following the 2012 election! The VRF also prohibits states from passing new legislation that might prohibit voter fraud without federal okay. While every citizen should be allowed to vote, the VRF is outdated. Finding the pre-clearance provision to be unconstitutional is an important step toward protecting the rights of citizens like you and me from having our votes overturned or made meaningless by illegal measures such as those we witnessed from Obama in November 2012.
At this point, only oral arguments have been presented. A decision is pending, and will hopefully come out in favor of US citizens. :)
Great news! The FBI is actively arresting and convicting Obama supporters who voted multiple times, including these 52.
A Cincinatti poll worker has been charged with voting six times. More on this story.
While Obama's Department of Justice has encouraged fraud by its failure to act the last four years, we are fortunate to live in a country with more than one source of justice.
States have a right and responsibility to prosecute voter fraud, especially when the federal government does nothing and benefits from it at the expense of real voters.
As those who have read this page know, this is the tip of the iceberg. My best guess, based on estimates of others, is Obama received an extra 5.5 to 13 million votes from a variety of planned and unplanned sources. That is between 10 and 20% of his total, and far more than enough to reverse the real election result. Some fraud was electronic, but a great deal was Chicago-style corruption put to bad use in swing states and even states that were not in question. (California!)
Dear FBI and fifty states, please prosecute every last case. Send this "administration," Americans, and the world the message that we will not tolerate disrespect and manipulation of the voting process in America. Our freedom depends on it.
Those who abuse the process, felons, should never vote again.
This does not mean the American people and economy should have to wait. The Supreme Court has a Constitutional duty to take care of this, do you not? I would think this would be the most important case you could possibly review right now. Leave lesser cases to lesser courts, and take up the cause (case) of our freedom.
THURSDAY UPDATES, February 28, 2013
Some unrelated good news from the Supreme Court: The "pre-clearance" provision of the Voter Rights Act may be found unconstitutional. This is important because, according to Reince Preibus, the VRF is one reason why the GOP was unable to fight the obvious voter fraud following the 2012 election! The VRF also prohibits states from passing new legislation that might prohibit voter fraud without federal okay. While every citizen should be allowed to vote, the VRF is outdated. Finding the pre-clearance provision to be unconstitutional is an important step toward protecting the rights of citizens like you and me from having our votes overturned or made meaningless by illegal measures such as those we witnessed from Obama in November 2012.
At this point, only oral arguments have been presented. A decision is pending, and will hopefully come out in favor of US citizens. :)
Great news! The FBI is actively arresting and convicting Obama supporters who voted multiple times, including these 52.
A Cincinatti poll worker has been charged with voting six times. More on this story.
While Obama's Department of Justice has encouraged fraud by its failure to act the last four years, we are fortunate to live in a country with more than one source of justice.
States have a right and responsibility to prosecute voter fraud, especially when the federal government does nothing and benefits from it at the expense of real voters.
As those who have read this page know, this is the tip of the iceberg. My best guess, based on estimates of others, is Obama received an extra 5.5 to 13 million votes from a variety of planned and unplanned sources. That is between 10 and 20% of his total, and far more than enough to reverse the real election result. Some fraud was electronic, but a great deal was Chicago-style corruption put to bad use in swing states and even states that were not in question. (California!)
Dear FBI and fifty states, please prosecute every last case. Send this "administration," Americans, and the world the message that we will not tolerate disrespect and manipulation of the voting process in America. Our freedom depends on it.
Those who abuse the process, felons, should never vote again.
NY GOP senate-candidate-told-by-poll-worker-to-mark-democrat-all-the-way-down
FL GOP Poll worker denied access sent away other questionable behavior/fraud http://gulagbound.com/35809/alert-certified-gop-poll-watchers-turned-away-in-florida/
Interesting report about trickle of people early voting in Miami-Dade and Broward counties.
Thanks Kim!
DeleteCan someone who manages this site please change the date at the top so people know there is new information and links coming in daily? Lots of people are ignoring the information and links that are more recent! Thanks
DeleteYour Welcome..
ReplyDeleteNot a swing state, but...TX photocopies of ballots allowed to be counted. Final vote count lowered mysteriously after threats of investigation. http://alpinedailyplanet.typepad.com/alpine-daily-planet/2012/11/canseco-alleges-voter-fraud-in-district-23-wont-concede-to-gallego.html
Hey, can you answer this, I was polled last night, what would be the reason for polling after the election? They wanted to know for this election and 2008 election how I voted for President and Governor, party, age and race.
Courtesy of Tiffany Banks:
Mitt Romney should be president! There are military ballots that have gone uncounted that conveniently arrived the day after the election th...at would have ensured a Mitt Romney victory. The results of th...e election need to be legally challenged and Mitt Romney needs to withdraw his concession, just as Al Gore did. Below is a letter and a list of contacts to both media and also to governors of battleground states. Folks, we have two months to save this county. Please assist us by copying this letter and sending it to these contacts. We need to carpet bomb them with as many e-mails as possible in order to put pressure on them to act. Now is not the time to lay down and give up when we still have a chance to correct this enormous error.
Dear (Please send an e-mail to all contacts – contact information listed below),
The election was stolen! There were massive actions of voter fraud by democrats in multiple states such as: Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Virginia, and Wisconsin! Why is this not being investigated?! We also demand that the military votes be counted! There is nothing more shameful and disgraceful then the men and women who put their lives at risk for us daily and spill their blood for this country only to have their vote disregarded and thrown away while less deserving people have their votes counted at all costs. We demand to have this investigated so we can see the post-marked date on the absentee ballots which is obviously before the election since they conveniently arrived the day after the election. We demand that the absentee military votes for ALL OF THE STATES be counted!
Mitt Romney was crushing Obama with independent voters by as much as 22% in the polls! He had all the momentum and democrats were oversampling Obama by ridiculous amounts such as +11 and +16 while Obama was drawing very small crowds and was drawing money from the Bank of America just to keep his campaign afloat, and we’re supposed to believe that he had an even larger turn out then he had in 2008 and Romney had smaller turnout than McCain did? That’s absurd! And it’s even much clearer what really happened when we hear about how Romney votes were electronically changed to Obama votes, how GOP inspectors were thrown out, all the fraudulent registration cards, how unregistered voters were casting ballots, Ohio residents were told they already voted when they showed up at the polls, and how stacks of Romney votes were discovered in Glendale, California. I’m willing to bet is not the only instance of this happening. This mass voter fraud by needs to be investigated and the election contested!
We demand that Mitt Romney withdraw his concession, just as Al Gore did. This matter of voter fraud and military vote suppression needs to be fully investigated and Mitt Romney and the RNC need to file a legal challenge to the election results. A party should not be allowed to get away with stealing an election that they did not in fact win thus denying people the representative that they truly chose due to fraudulent votes cancelling out their votes. If Mitt Romney was the man that people truly chose at their representative then that needs to be honored and Barack Obama should not be made president just because he had people who committed enough voter fraud who caused him to “win”.
If we cannot trust the integrity of the voting system then we are no longer a free republic. This has gotten out of hand and the system has clearly been compromised by lawless radicals who do not care about the laws or people having their voices heard and representatives that they chose elected. They only care about winning and advancing their agenda at all costs. This cannot be allowed if we are to remain a free constitutional republic and a nation of laws. We cannot allow a fraudulent election to stand! This needs to be investigated and acted upon and the true president revealed.
Also from Tiffany. I will add several of these to the Friday Links section above:
DeleteThousands of votes from our military troops uncounted or missing
Military Absentee Ballots Delivered One Day Late, Would Have Swung Election For Romney
Defense Department can't put soldiers, ballots together
Voter fraud in Pennsylvania - Black Panthers return, GOP inspectors thrown out
Ohio fraudulent voter registration cards
Vote fraud alert: One out of five registered Ohio voters is bogus
Ohio Residents Told They Already Voted When They Showed Up At the Polls Tuesday
Poll Worker Puts Glendale Precinct's Ballots on Car, Drives Away
Two Ohio Election Judges Removed for Allowing Unregistered Voters to Cast Ballots
Democrat Admits He's Voted FOUR Times Already
Boston reports 129% voter turnout, 79% for Obama; 74% for Elizabeth Warren
Voting machine swaps Romney for Obama
VIDEO: Possible voter fraud in Pennsylvania — or just voting machine malfunction?
Voter Fraud Complaint Filed against Florida Democrats
Voter fraud, poll problems and voting machine errors probed across U.S.
Please watch this, this is how they stole the election - Programmer Testifies About Rigging Elections With Vote Counting
DeleteI appreciate what you're doing and support it all the way. Do you have a Facebook page devoted to this? I just found out from Breitbart.
Thanks again!
Just a heads up. Duffleblog is a satire site. The info about the votes being a day late is not true. Please check it out for yourself. We need good vetting if this is to get traction.
A list of people you can help contact to report voter fraud, also courtesy of Tiffany Banks and forwarded to me by Darrin Southam. Please do what you can!
ReplyDelete(1) Mitt Romney
(2) Republican National Committee
http://www.gop.com/contact-us/Fox News
(3) National Republican Senatorial Committee
(4) National Republican Congressional Committee
E-mail: website@nrcc.org
(5) FOX News
(6) FOX News
(7) Rush Limbaugh
(8) Mark Levin
(9) Shawn Hanity
(10) Laura Ingraham
(11) Michelle Malkin
Email: writemalkin@gmail.com
(12) Newt Gingrich
(1) Rick Scott, Governor of Florida
(2) John R. Kasich, Governor of Ohio
(3) Bob McDonnell, Governor of Virginia
(4) Scott Walker, Governor of Wisconsin
(5)Tom Corbett, Governor of Pennsylvania
(6) Rick Snyder, Governor of Michigan
Please contact your senators as well.
Fraud is no laughing matter, but I've had several people send me this link to a SATIRE piece. SATIRE is generally the truth stretched, and as you can see from the above posts, there is a great deal of truth to this claim, even if the DuffelBlog is basically a military version of The Onion.
Remember, this link is FAKE.
DB might indeed be satire, but I believe the satire they were displaying was because it was TRUE and being ignored:
and this one:
and this one:
I myself had issues voting. I live in southern california. Received my sample ballot and all my voting info on my polling location and what have you. When I arrived at my polling location, lines were long, machines were not working. They could not locate my name on the list. Even after using my info on my sample ballot. So I voted absentee instead. And since the machines were down it was all being done by paper ballot. Weird thing is, my mom had to vote absentee also. They could not locate her name either. Very bazaar. kk
ReplyDeleteNot a doubt in my mind after being a poll watcher, i was intimidated, told I could not stand, I could not use a phone, when asked for names to be repeated, they said they couldn't remember, moved the table back to where it was impossible to hear, then opened ballot box in the morning to straighten out the ballots - and some were taken to a table 8 feet away, to which I couldn't tell if they ever got returned.
ReplyDeleteFrom Kathy on Facebook:
ReplyDeleteTo date, 46 states have prosecuted or convicted cases of voter fraud.
More than 24 million voter registrations are invalid, yet remain on the rolls nation-wide.
There are over 1.8 million dead voters still eligible on the rolls across the country.
More than 2.75 million Americans are registered to vote in more than one state.
True The Vote recently found 99 cases of potential felony interstate voter fraud.
Maryland affiliates of True The Vote uncovered cases of people registering and voting after
their respective deaths.
This year, True The Vote uncovered more than 348,000 dead people on the rolls in 27 states.
California: 49,000
Florida: 30,000
Texas: 28,500
Michigan: 25,000
Illinois: 24,000
12 Indiana counties have more registered voters than residents.
The Ohio Secretary of State admitted that multiple Ohio counties have more registered voters
than residents.
Federal records showed 160 counties in 19 states have over 100 percent voter registration.
The Florida New Majority Education Fund, Democratic Party of Florida and the National Council
of La Raza are currently under investigation for alleged voter registration fraud.
States won by Obama summed up by NO PHOTO ID REQUIRED.....
States requiring NO Identification -no PHOTO or paperwork:
CA (55), IL (20), IA (6), ME (3), MD (10), MA (11), MN (10), NV (6), NJ (14), NM (5), NY (29),
OR (7), PA (20), WI (10). Total = 206 electoral votes
States requiring only paper showing a name:
CO (9), CT (7), DE (3), HI (4), OH (18), RI (4), VT (3), VA (13), WA (12). Total = 73
electoral votes
THIS REPRESENTS TOTAL = 279 electoral votes !!
Does someone have an easy email list that we can get to where we don''t have to copy and paste. Something with links so more people will take the time to respond to those who need to hear this. We need to get this out ASAP!!!!!
ReplyDeleteTo Whom that owns this blog-
ReplyDeleteHOw did you get all this information? And I also believe that Mitt Romney was robbed from the White House. If you can please send me all the information that you have that I am read it. You can contact me at k31th64@yahoo.com. Thank you.
Here is actual sworn testimony of how it was done in 2000 as ordered by former Florida house Speaker and Congressman Tom Feeney. This was happening 12 years ago.... do we really believe there is not wide spread voter fraud. He who cheats best wins!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JEzY2tnwExs
ReplyDeleteYet the cheat in that race was G W Bush. Disavow him now, but where was the outcry of his policies in 2004?
DeleteI hate cheating, but you cannot allow it to be a one sided issue, like why the republicans lose the majority vote in the house this year, but retained a massive majority.
Honesty requires you to be honest with yourself. And then integraty will persuade voters.
I did my part and sent a email to every person in charge of those specific states. I hope we will all do our part
ReplyDeleteThanks Ryan!!
DeleteExit polls don't match, in the 2000 sworn testimony video, the guy said, one way to know there is fraud is if the exit polls are way off.. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/special/politics/2012-exit-polls/
ReplyDeleteThe contact list above is helpful, but one key contact missing is John R. Phillippe, Jr. Chief Counsel of the Republican National Committee, who warned several states to fix their voting machines on Nov 2nd. http://townhall.com/tipsheet/katiepavlich/2012/11/02/rnc_demands_voting_machines_changing_romney_votes_to_obama_votes_be_fixed
ReplyDeleteThey claimed they did, but late in the day in Ohio some machines were still incorrectly changing Romney votes to Obama. I would think the RNC would have a vested interest in this, so it might be worth pestering them.
John R. Phillippe, Jr.
Chief Counsel of the Republican National Committee
310 First Street, SE Washington, DC 20003
Voter Initiated Recounts
The other option nobody is talking about is Voter Initiated Recounts. Many states allow voters to request a recount. See all state recount laws at: http://www.ceimn.org/ceimn-state-recount-laws-searchable-database (Select the state from the list on the bottom right).
Ohio: http://codes.ohio.gov/orc/3515.01 Any group of 5 electors (aka voters) from a given county can initiate a recount. We'd need to identify a few of the bluest counties- run by Democrats- to target for a recount.
A minimum of 50 voters is required to file a recount request. Sounds like a good job for the Tea Party.
Florida may be headed for an automatic recount if Allen West wins his challenge. The threshold is .5%, and it's currently .6% statewide (before military ballots are counted). Otherwise, the candidate or the state party can request a recount.
CO doesn't allow voters to request a recount- the candidate would need to request it. (But... even without CO, several other close swing states with inexplicable results do- WI, IA, NV, etc.)
Wisconsin allows a SINGLE voter to request a recount.
The catch in all this is the cost. In almost every state, if the result are overturned- or if the final count after the recount is a 'close' election (usually .5%), then there is no charge. Otherwise, the initiator has to pay for the entire cost of the recount. I'm sure we could get a ton of donations, and possibly get high profile people like Donald Trump or Jack Welch involved to underwrite the effort.
Mike Merrill
Twitter: @RightonMainSt
Email: rightonmainst@gmail.com
Mike! This info you've posted shouldn't be lost among all these other great posts!!! This isn't just a comment - it's a call to action when so many (including myself) are asking what can be done.
DeleteI live one hour from the capital and am willing to visit John R. Phillip if they'll let me in. In fact, I can go with other supporters in the area.
50 requests in VA is very do-able for us . . . as long as folks know what to do!
Also - you alluded to a contact list at the start of this post. I've searched, but it too is buried and I can't find it.
This crucial information needs to be posted and reposted and emailed everywhere. I'm going to take the liberty of re posting what you've written to the FB Page: https://www.facebook.com/ObamaVoterFraudVolunteers
Where folks have signed up to help - but where there seems to be no more than a suggestion to share this site.
(A good start).
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteDid you get this one? 450,000 dead voter registrations nixed in ohio, most democrats. Its down in the middle of this page: http://bit.ly/SFUjjs
ReplyDeleteIt would seem that this could be considered electioneering... caught on tape, "you have to vote to get Obamaphone" http://www.reagancoalition.com/articles/2012/20121107006-obamaphone-for-votes.html
ReplyDeleteI really really hope that Romney's campaign is paying attention to all of this and not giving up!! Every bit of this fraud needs to be taken seriously and investigated! We can't just drop it and let O steal the office!!
I completely agree that this election was stolen - by a censoring media, by fraud, by black box machines.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for doing this!
Please take my suggestion as it is offered - humbly, just in the hope of helping.
Please consider replacing the black background / white /orange text color theme on the site. In my opinion, it makes the important information here seem unserious and sensationalistic.
Great stuff, posted........thahks
ReplyDeleteMost excellent! But what can be done about it!?
ReplyDeleteI would love if someone could tabulate a list of fraud evidence, indicating in each instance what the evidence consists of, and the number of votes at stake. It is so frustrating to see people talk about this stuff without really knowing what is real.
ReplyDeleteI believe there is one correction that needs to be made. Rhode Island has a voter ID law and went Obama.
ReplyDeleteIll Put you on my blog. http://obamatons.blogspot.com/
ReplyDeleteFlorida; "There are nearly 500,000 new registered (statewide) voters since the primary election,”
ReplyDelete90% registered Dem.
http://www.palmbeachpost.com/news/news/local/felons-who-voteddead-people-listedon-county-rolls/nSwxd/ …
The map above is incorrect. I live in Wood Co., Ohio, which is red on your electoral map but went strongly blue? Conspiracy?
ReplyDeleteTo the Owner of this Blog Site-
ReplyDeleteI had just talked to my dad, and he said that you need to send all of the information that you gathered together and send it to all the Secretary of State of all the States it involves. You can take it to Mitt Romney's Campaign, but there is very little he can do. But the Secretaries of State will hold a investigation on the presidential election.
If there is anymore information that you need, please let me know. Just email me at k31th64@yahoo.com.
Have a good day-
D. Keith Langford, Jr.
Great idea Keith!
DeleteThe one problem with this is the Secretary of State Project of George Soros that is mentioned in one of Thursday's posts.
Some Secretaries of State may be part of the problem.
Numbers reported by the precincts may not be the same numbers represented by the Secretaries of State.
DeleteIn 2010, while we were focused on the House, Senate, and Governors, Soros was more or less buying up Secretary of State positions around the country. He was about the only person putting money into that race other than the candidates themselves.
There may be some loyalty issues where they think they owe him more than the American people. However, that investigation requires access to data that is beyond my reach.
Maybe someone from Congress should be looking into this?
Then the next thing is getting a hold of person in congress that is over the election, or even the whole congress itself to investigate this whole problem and see what they, or he/she, says. Because that is the next step after the Secretaries of State. But we would have to make a big enough upward that congress has no chose to look into this matter.
DeleteHa, la raza, I assure you those nuts will lie and commit fraud, they are there to preach hate, to incite to violence, to twist facts and to influence people to think that Communism is better for them and that Hitler was a good guy.
ReplyDeleteThis map seems to leave out some of the precincts. Please recheck - Jefferson County should be blue. Not that I like it, but if we're to be credible we have to be correct, not just right :-)
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI wish there was something the people can do about this, the election was rigged!!
ReplyDeleteIs there a site we can put our John Hancock on and get a recount?
ReplyDeletevia Jewel on Facebook: "Could you please help us? There is a petition for a recount and it takes 28,000 signatures. We are all promoting it and would love to have you on our side. The link to sign the petition is:"
Another petition, this one to Congress:
One of the first comments above explains how to request a recount in specific states like Ohio, Wisconsin, Virginia, etc. In some states it takes one person, in others 50, with Colorado requiring the candidate himself to request it.
DeleteI don't see a button on here where I can Follow your blog? Can you please add the Follow button? Thanks.
ReplyDeleteI added a follow by e-mail button, but my current intent is to add new information to the original post so the data doesn't get lost in blog history. It might be easier to bookmark the blog.
DeleteThanks for requesting!
ReplyDeleteIf you have the ability, I would like to see precincts mapped where Obama got 95+% of the vote and those where Romney got 95+% of the vote. (Since the vote was nearly 50-50 nationwide these should be roughly the same, right?)
I know of no areas where Romney got more than 90% of the vote. The closest would probably be Provo, Utah where 90% of the population is Mormon and would likely vote for Mitt. Utah has far better voter controls than states that do not require ID, but there is some concern about Rep. Mattheson (D) who was down by 10% to Mia Love the day before the election and somehow won by 3,000 votes.
DeleteThe biggest concerns are places like those mentioned above with 90% to 161% of registered voters voting. It is not supposed to be possible to go over 100% and it is not normal to get more than 50 or 60% of the vote. This indicates ballot stuffing, and Obama's team made an art of it in 2012. Read the article about a Chicago attorney "observing" a small polling place in Wisconsin where he would make calls and van loads of people with fake proof of residence would show up, many wearing Chicago Bears hats, etc, and vote as if they were residents. This is obviously not an isolated incident, but organized fraud on a massive scale, and not very well hidden.
The near 50/50 split at the end is reflective of Romney's voter popularity advantage going into the election, not equal amounts of fraud... Mitt has tried very hard to run a clean campaign.
DeleteNotes from Clark County, NV where I served as a legal observer. Didn't see any fraud but voting machines malfunctioned like crazy... http://antheakamalnath.wordpress.com/2012/11/07/meandering-around-gerrymandering/
ReplyDeleteNeed 25,000 names by DEC 10,2012!!>>
ReplyDeletePETITION:Recount the election! http://wh.gov/9n5n I'm also sharing this page http://obamavoterfraud.com & https://plus.google.com/u/0/103087425533147519173/posts/NwEzFbqkD6v
Please copy and paste&post everywhere
The battle may be lost, but the war goes on!!
We as a whole can lead a revolt to over throw the government.It's in our constitution.However, to do that we.must have the support of The People.I believe we can demand a recount too.
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone not understand that popular vote has nothing to do with the outcome of the election? The Electoral College is what determines who will become president
ReplyDeleteI spent the day curing ballots which had missing or mismatched signatures in a very close state senate race. One disturbing anecdote - went to a house which had a mismatched signature. Man said no, that woman is his ex-wife. She hasn't lived there in years, she lives in Hawaii now. No, he never saw her ballot.
ReplyDeleteWashington is a vote by mail state. If he never saw her ballot, how could she have voted? The ballot would have been sent to her address of record, which is where we visited. If she lives in Hawaii, how can she vote here? If he never saw the ballot in the mail, then where did the ballot go? Who voted her ballot?
No matter how you slice this it comes up voter fraud. Something's rotten in Denmark. Voter fraud is like cockroaches: if you find one, there's a thousand lurking where you don't see them.
You do realize that the size of a state doesn't necessarily mean a bigger population?
ReplyDeleteWisconsin trending republican? LOOK AT THESE NUMBERS!!
The only reason why I looked at Wisconsin is because of the recent anecdotal evidence with the Scott Walker elections in both 2010 and 2012. It immediately jumped at me that something just did not seem right. In fact, Scott Walker increased his victory margin in his recall election just 5 months ago from his prior election in 2010.
So, to summarize, statewide there is recent anecdotal evidence that WISCONSIN WAS TRENDING MORE REPUBLICAN - NOT LESS.
Approximately 500,000 more voters voted than those that voted 5 months ago. Of those 500,000 new voters only 12.5% voted republican vs the 87.5% new voters voting democrat.
Then I decided to look at a county by county breakdown of votes comparing Scott Walker (R)/Tom Barrett (D) on 5 June 2012 (5 months prior) vs Barrack Obama (D)/Mitt Romney (R) on 6 November 2012 (5 months later).
Below is a breakdown of voting in 3 counties in Wisconsin.
Marinette County:
Walker got 61.9% of the vote. He got 10,267 votes. Barrett got 37.6% of the vote. He got 6,242 votes.
Romney got 51% of the vote. He got 10,609 votes. Obama got 48% of the vote. He got 9,868 votes.
Romney got about 340 more republican votes. Obama got about 3,620 more democrat votes.
(it gets worse...)
Door County:
Walker got 56.8% of the vote. He got 8,401 votes. Barrett got 42.7% of the vote. He got 6,308 votes.
Romney got 46% of the vote. He got 8,109 votes. Obama got 53% of the vote. He got 9,338 votes.
Romney had a net loss of about 290 republican votes. Obama netted about 3,030 more democrat votes.
Marathon County:
Walker got 62.1% of the vote. He got 36,352 votes. Barrett got 37.2% of the vote. He got 21,809 votes.
Romney got 53% of the vote. He got 36,568 votes. Obama got 46% of the vote. He got 32,330 votes.
Romney got about 215 more republican votes. Obama got about 10,520 more democrat votes.
This is JUST 3 COUNTIES. In every county I looked at, these skewed numbers continued. Some were not as bad. But to me, ALL OF THEM FAILED THE EYEBALL TEST.
Something is just not right. And if it is not right in Wisconsin, then where else is it just not right?
Footnotes (References/Sources):
My numbers that I used for the Walker recall election are off of Wikipedia. Comparable numbers are on the Huffington Post:
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wisconsin_gubernatorial_recall_election,_2012
- http://elections.huffingtonpost.com/2012/wisconsin-recall-results
For the presidential race I got my numbers from Fox News:
- http://www.foxnews.com/politics/elections/2012-wisconsin-state-race
Yes, that does have a distinct aroma for sure!
ReplyDeletePetition to recount the election https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/recount-election/ZQmy0Mlv
ReplyDeleteI've added four different petitions to the sidebar above, one to the White House, one to the GOP, one to Congress, and one to the FEC. Please sign!
DeleteIs the Romney camp or GOP doing anything?
ReplyDeleteI'm disappointed that Romney campaign is not doing a single thing. 2 Petitions are floating out there, one with 44,000 signed and one with 14,000 signed, and we heard nothing from Romney.
DeleteThis actually was in 2006 but it doesn't matter when it happened, it is possible and the man testified so that a fraud can be perpetrated. Now, with the crowds Romney was drawing, and the real low numbers that the president was drawing, pl
ReplyDeleteus, the poles over the past two weeks showed Romney would be the winner, it's a distinct possibility there was fraud. Diebolt built these machines, and Soros, obummers money man own the company. Face it, we have been had.
Please understand the enemy!!! http://www.islam-watch.org/Warner/Taqiyya-Islamic-Principle-Lying-for-Allah.htm THIS IS OBAMA!!!!
ReplyDeletePlease Support this man!!!
Isn't this proof enough? https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=JQxsx3IGS1E
ReplyDeleteProgrammer under oath admits computers rig elections - MUST SEE NOW TOOK PLACE TODAY!!!
Allen West has opened the door! Please walk through!!! BREAKING NEWS!
We Must Support this man!!!! http://www.islam-watch.org/component/content/article/85-islam-watch/1093-congressman-allen-west-not-war-on-terror-but-totalitarian-theocratic-ideology-islam.html
ReplyDeleteCongressman Allen West: Not War on Terror, but a Totalitarian Theocratic Ideology Called Islam
All this smells bad. I think there is enough evidence against Obama and his workers too get a conviction. If we ever get that far, this is very damaging information. Mitts crowds were much larger than Obama's, now all this info makes sense.
ReplyDeleteJust sayin'
I think there is enough evidence here to give him Florida, Ohio, and Colorado at least, and I suspect the GOP has enough info from ORCA to get one or two more.
DeleteKeep up the good work on this mission.
ReplyDeleteI was a poll watcher in CA and I know how the CA Tax passed! I've been a poll worker for years and this year I was a poll watcher at a senior citizen polling place. Every other person that came in was told, "I'm sorry you're not on our list, you'll have to check with the man that has the master list over there and he'll tell you where you're supposed to be voting. They go over and check and in fact they are in the right polling location, but they're not on the list. They've been voting here for years, but are told they are no longer on the list! They had to vote provisionally - which you know doesn't get counted until after the election, until after their name and address is verified, etc. This happened to over 60 people in the one hour that I was there. These poll workers were the same workers that had worked this location for years and they've never seen anything like it!
ReplyDeleteI want to DO SOMETHING about this!! This is voter suppression! What can we as citizens do?!
Thanks Jed, I can't stand someone being presumptuous. The personal encounters that people here have witnessed mean more than a news report.
ReplyDeleteAre you going to get a Facebook presence? It'd make it easier to update us, give us action plans, etc....
DeleteI've taken your advice and created a Facebook group for volunteers!
The main focus is still to get people to this page, but if you join the group I'll add you as an admin!
In NYC, I had been purged from the voter registration roles (and had to cast a provisional ballot) while my late wife, who died in 2008, was still listed. The apparent difference: I was a registered Republican; she was listed as a Democrat.
ReplyDeleteJed, some of us at Free Republic have heard of your campaign and are on your side.
ReplyDeleteWhat can we do to help>
I also reported and gave a link to your site. http://www.examiner.com/article/voter-fraud-illegal-activities-reported-several-states?cid=db_articles
ReplyDeleteAlso, http://www.examiner.com/article/joseph-farah-the-election-was-stolen-through-voter-fraud-and-manipulation?cid=db_articles
Thank you!!!
DeletePlease also sign up for coordination at TRUE THE VOTE: http://www.truethevote.org
ReplyDeleteThanks for the call this morning, Jim! I've added TrueTheVote.org to the "Volunteer!" opportunities section of the sidebar!
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteMore than one out of every five registered Ohio voters is probably ineligible to vote.
ReplyDeleteIn two counties, the number of registered voters actually exceeds the voting-age population: Northwestern Ohio’s Wood County shows 109 registered voters for every 100 eligible, while in Lawrence County along the Ohio River it’s a mere 104 registered per 100 eligible.
Another 31 counties show registrations at more than 90 percent of those eligible, a rate regarded as unrealistic by most voting experts. The national average is a little more than 70 percent.
Reports of similar results have come in from Colorado and Florida where some precincts had 140 people vote for every 100 people registered to vote.
When you have the same fraud happening in multiple places simultaneously that becomes less likely to be coincidence and more likely to be a planned political strategy.
"Here is another example of the election being called while Gov. Mitt Romney was very clearly leading by a substantial number of votes in Wisconsin." https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=517357708275185&set=a.221499604527665.68159.220814084596217&type=1&theater
ReplyDeleteI have sent this link to drudge
ReplyDeleteMr Merrill, I run a site called ownthenarrative.com. Tonight I will be hosting our flagship show and I was wondering if you could spare a half hour of your time to be a guest.
I just sent you an email. I forgot to put a subject on it. Tonight we're planning on starting around 11 Eastern, but that's flexible.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteSure Keith. It's open to everyone.
DeleteFor those who would like to listen to the show recording, here is part 1.
The full broadcast went for over an hour.
I sent a facebook message to the Donald. Not sure if he will listen...but.
ReplyDeleteI have recognized Mitt Romney as my president with all the evidence that I have seen in here. I have not recognized nor have I mentally or physically allowed Obama to be anything to me other than a Crook.
ReplyDeleteI worked the polls in CA and I know for a fact that there were Democrat operatives who traversed door to door in densely populated apartment complexes and convinced residents to register to vote online via the Web site that only asks for Driver license and ssn verification. A tablet computer was used to register new voters, and they received a registration verification card in the mail. We were told in Poll worker training that the only person who could ask for ID is a Peace Officer. Therefore, no ID was required to vote. If your name was on the list as a registered voter, you could vote on election day. Otherwise, you could vote provisionally. Anyone can vote for anyone else as long as the person is listed, and a valid address is provided. So if an unregistered voter whose phone number and address were listed on facebook (and was solicited by a democratic operative) and could not or would not get to the polls to vote on election day, Democrat field workers voted for them by checking the list to see if they already voted. This list has to be updated every hour on the outside of the poll. If not, these operatives voted on behalf of the absent voter. Obama perfected this practice when he was a Community Organizer in Chicago. In addition, additional scammers on the Obama election team used facebook to offer to go vote for those who could not get to the voting place on election day, in return fior a hambuger as Joe Biden admitted to. No news outlets reported this story MIA...This is the very reason Obama and democrats faught so hard for no show id laws. This happened all over America. In CA, there are still over 3 million absentee and provisional votes that were never counted. Guys, we need to unite and fix the electoral college, and demand a revote. If Obama wins 2 for 2, then he will be equal with Romney who has only been given one chance.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your post! I quoted part of this post on an Internet radio show tonight. Hope you don't mind!
Some of these links are merely opinions. Please establish a way of vetting for verified information verses rumors so our own integrity and credibility is not undermined.
ReplyDeleteThe integrity of the ballot box is the only vehicle for peaceful transfer of power so these questions must be resolved honestly.
I wrote the word opinion by the articles about missing GOP and white votes so it would be clear what is opinion, but there are valuable indicators in the two links that ought to be here. Thanks for helping to ensure the credibility of everything on this site!
DeleteIn researching my verified information I am more alarmed. My preference would be to send it to an email address for privacy. I am not a blogger but I have to speak up about this issue, especially since the white house chose to distract election fraud issues with Petreus "outing". Is there a contact us email address?
ReplyDeleteMassive Voter Fraud and I am ANGRY (please share) - http://askmarion.wordpress.com/2012/11/11/massive-voter-fraud-and-i-am-angry-please-share/
White House website deluged with secession petitions from 20 states - http://askmarion.wordpress.com/2012/11/13/white-house-website-deluged-with-secession-petitions-from-20-states/
We are also going to repost your infor from here!
Just to let everyone know, the count for the 'Recount the Election' is 31,255 and climbing. We have reached the 25,000 and we have gotten more. Plus, more and more of you are signing it. Keep up the good work, okay.
ReplyDeleteGreat news! Thanks Keith!
DeleteYou need to check out this computer programmer testifying in Ohio about voter fraud.
Here is an analysis of voter fraud in Ohio:
Things get worse as Obama has got rid of at least 5 Generals so far in his attempt to weaken the Military for a easy take over when he destroys the economy.
ReplyDeleteI really hope the government sees this and gives the presidency to Mitt Romney. Are there any people to contact in New england to ask them to read this. I want to help. I can't get email sorry.
ReplyDeleteHere is a petition that will make everyone on this blog site very happy. I hope and pray that everyone signs it.
ReplyDeleteKeith read my petition please. sign and share.
ReplyDeleteThank you for doing this.
A note though: the top post on the blog is dated a week ago. To anyone stopping by to check for updates, it will look like there haven't been any since then.
Your work may be going unnoticed....
The following is taken from the citizenwells site (http://citizenwells.wordpress.com/2012/11/15/allen-west-patrick-murphy-race-update-november-15-2012-st-lucie-county-elections-supervisor-gertrude-walker-flawed-handling-ballots-counted-twice-ballots-not-counted/#comments) There are some very important comments on this thread as to fraud and other statistical factors.
ReplyDeleteIt looks as though it is time for Allen West to file a lawsuit against MMMMMMSSSSSSSS.Walker,and the Florida Elections Commissioner before the State Supreme Court. They need to demand that the software be put before a INDEPENDENT FORENSIC EXAMINER to determine what is written into the software that is NOT SUPPOSED TO BE THERE. It is my personal belief that if they could get the actual software used,that they will find the source codes have been changed and that KEYLOGGERs were written into it. That is also the belief of my nephew who himself is a computer programmer. He said that if the software was correctly written to begin with,it was probably OVERWRITTEN,to include the KEYLOGGER. If this can be proven by the forensic experts then there would be precedent to justify a recount of the entire US ELECTION,simply because this sort of thing seems to have happened in all the swing states. But since all of the Federal Courts are in Soetoro’s hip pocket I would think that the chances of anything meaningful ever being done to correct the election is SLIM to NONE.
Another good site with information and comments:
Just curious. Did you happen to look up the instances over voter fraud and suppression on the Republican side also to see how it balanced out?
ReplyDeleteVoter suppression is a rallying cry of the left, like the fictional and hypocritical war on women, yet there is little evidence of it.
DeleteThe only people who can't get ID are illegal or underage anyway. Voter ID helps support free and fair elections for Democrats and Republicans. Are you okay with stolen elections with massive consequences for the economy, among other issues?
Please send any and all voter fraud info to Brit Hume at Fox news. Apparently he's not convinced of any problems.
ReplyDeleteBrit will not make waves, he is more worried about his legacy
DeleteI hope they can all be brought to justice. voting is our right..not the government to cheat.
ReplyDeleteHere's another petition for everyone would like:
Do we need to demand a full recount
ReplyDelete. . . or only one in the swing states?
Wouldn't that me a more do-able objective?
Don't think we need to recount CA or UT :o)
I would focus on the swing states.
DeleteThis website has slowed down a lot... 125,000 views the first three days, but only 5,000 more compared to last night. This is such a great repository of links, this place can't start losing steam now...
ReplyDeleteA lot of the activity has moved to Facebook, our group and several by others.
you need to propagate this site i dont see it any where else other than on my front page
ReplyDeleteI received this comment in the Facebook volunteer group this morning. I think it represents what a lot of us are feeling:
ReplyDelete"I have been intrigued by the numbers since election night, knowing that they just didn't make sense. I am happy to see all of the stories being printed and curious as to what the potential outcome could be. I fear that, if left unchecked, cases of mass voter fraud will become more and more prevalent at each future election. I'm just curious what the outcome of your findings could accomplish. I know it was recently discovered that Al Frankin, from Minnesota, did not actually win the race. It took two years to actually prove what had been suspected a along, but since nothing was accomplished right away, he has been serving for the last two years and will continue to go unpunished and keep his seat. What is the best hope we have or goal...any chance of overturning the election, impeachment, creating awareness and involvement for next time around or simply putting the Democrats on noticed that they have been caught, therefore, have less credibility and no mandate to speak of? I have signed the petition and although I am unable to give out of the house due to health reasons, I would be happy to volunteer and do my part via e-mails, social media and/or motivating others to physically get out and help spread the word. I have financially helped the Republican Party and candidates and would consider donating to this cause if I actually knew what the hoped findings or outcome will solve. Please let me know. I am very concerned, if not just for this election but, the integrity of the entire process which could change forever...especially with the potential of so many Supreme Court resignations! I have e-mailed my Congressman and contacted our AG but, would like to know if anything can be solved at this time. Thank you and I look forward to your response. ~ KP"
I agree.
I know it was recently discovered that Al Frankin, from Minnesota, did not actually win the race. It took two years to actually prove what had been suspected a along, but since nothing was accomplished right away, he has been serving for the last two years and will continue to go unpunished and keep his seat. What is the best hope we have or goal...any chance of overturning the election,
Question: Is there any possibility that our efforts could avoid the type of thing that happened with Frankin?
Judge denies Allen West’s recount request; focus now on 4 p.m. canvassing board meeting
Nothing will happen as more than 50% of the voters are getting free stuff from Obama, They like it and will not go against the hand that feeds them
ReplyDeletethey do not out number us,12million voters did not stay home,but we need PROOF . Set up phone numbers so that people who voted romney/gop from shut out precincts can call in with an address and you will have proof. just advertise with local conservative radio talk shows....
ReplyDeleteTo let you all know, out of the 50 U. S. states, 49 of them have put up a petition to brake away from the U. S. The only state that doesn't have one up yet is the State of Vermont. The biggest one out of the 49 states is Texas.
ReplyDeleteI believe that do to the elections on November 6th, none of the states wanted President Obama back in office. Plus, that just confirms that there was voter fraud during the elections.
Now, I'll even sweeten the pot, there is a petition on the White House website to have President Obama Impeached. I have already listed the web address on this site, but we need to contact our congressmen/women. To ask for their vote to Impeach the President of the United States. Now since we do have the 25th Amendment, the Vice President will be the new President of our nation. But if he was also been behind the voter fraud on November 6th, the next person in line would be the Speaker of the House.
We need this to happen. We need you to call your congress person and get them to vote our way. The more members of congress we get on our side of this problem, the more we can get the President out of office.
So, please help this cause and let's hit those phones and let's see what's going to happen. Thank You.
A copy and paste from http://www.barrysoetoro.net
ReplyDeleteThe big news now is voter fraud in the 2012 presidential election.
The evidence is overwhelming!
Also share http://www.facebookcensorship.com and see the documentation of their censorship and harassment.
Bro. Winter Christian Bible teacher http://www.prime.org
And this is ignored by the other two thirds of our government, Congress and the Supreme Court and it makes me wonder if they will be around in the future.
ReplyDeleteJed, this was posted on Free Republic:
ReplyDeleteThe Republican Party made an agreement 30 years ago with the Democrat Party NOT to ensure voting integrity and NOT to pursue suspected vote fraud.
If this is true, our efforts are to no avail.
Please tell me what you think.
Good articles on citizenwells and American thinker. Lots of ideas and other information to read and use.
The comments sections are very revealing for both sites.
Please go to tjis web page it may really help us http://darinscott.blogspot.com/2012/11/urgent-call-to-action-house-of.html?m=1
ReplyDeleteJoe Farah of World Net Daily was just on the Rusty Humphries show stating the election was stolen. He also went into many of the reasons highlighted here. Well he wrote on this in two articles.
You can here the podcast on Rusty's site later when it is posted. The interview was in the last 30 minutes of hour 2.
WND also has posted these articles:
These links were in the comments: http://www.westernjournalism.com/poll-watcher-massive-voter-fraud-in-va/
This post had a list of links. I am aware some of the links were posted on here as well, but there maybe some not posted on this blog.
Thanks for this well documented site.
ReplyDeleteThank You for this great, well informed blog.
ReplyDeleteI am a writer for another blog: Fellowship Of The Minds.
At FOTM, we are also well versed in the massive fraud that has taken place in this sham of an election.
However, we also uncovered some disturbing news on why the GOP is NOT contesting the results.
Please read our post "Why The GOP Won't Challenge Vote Fraud".
After reading that startling revelation, please read my post on an alternative method of reversing the election results: "The New Plan Of Attack".
We are ALL working towards the same goal-to remove the fraud from the WH.
Thank You for your Good Work.
URL for 'Fellowship Of The Minds'
How about you people just accept that Obama got more votes?
ReplyDeleteYou're like the birthers; you won't stop at anything, even when you've been proven 100% wrong.
Besides, I'd really like to know how you got this information, because there's no way any public citizen could just obtain this.
Ovomit only got more numbers through fraud. When the fraud is completely identified, it is out of there.
DeleteI found this link at a mediaite article:
The oversight committee HAS been investigation fraud and campaign finance violations of ACORN and Obama dated back to 09 thru Oct. 2012. Go to oversight committee website - see reports. ACORN is the same crap sandwich only a different toilet. Named Fieldworks.com - moveon.org (they BRAG about how they stole election) - SOROS FUNDED - TAXPAYER FUNDED - Nearly 400 different organizations under one shyt umbrella. They just had to change name. Same sluggos. That's why the percentages of blacks, women, hispanics were so high. THEY CALCULATED EVERYTHING
ReplyDeleteAre our efforts fizzling out? Jeb?
ReplyDeleteI hope not. But that is what the Democratic party, the Major Media, and even the core of the Republican party would like to see. I was saddened to see Allen West giving up on his fight against the voter fraud in Florida. It said the recounted all the votes (early/absentee and regular?). And did they recount ALL 146% that voted in many of the precincts/districts?
DeleteIf they can subdue the outrage until 12/17/2012, then we will have another "Al Franken event", where by the time the crime is proven, it is too late. What id it take, 2 years before it was proven that Franken won because of fraudulent votes by convicted felons?
Here is more fraud - arrests!
Dead people voting. http://www.woai.com/content/blogs/briancollister/story/Voter-fraud-allegations-persist-in-Bexar-balloting/kK1ewkr4cEKibY3xF6QLPw.cspx
ReplyDeleteHere's a good list, just posted on gulagbound website.
ReplyDeleteIt’s Official: Obama Voter Fraud Reason for ‘Reelection,’ Growing Totalitarian Government
Keep on the good work. GOP is doing great. Keep pushing for the same agenda and people will choose GOP. Who needs Obamacare, who needs gays, who needs women, who need people who don't pay tax and take benefits. Let's get FEMA dissolved. I have insurance and my insurance will pay. I don't want to pay for other people. President Obama must go. Etc.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your great effort... you should probably change the date up top so people don't think it is just an old site and dismiss it.
ReplyDeleteIt still says November 8th up top!
Is this page a joke? You've got to be fucking kidding me. Romney lost, you idiots. Move on. Why don't you spend your time doing something productive rather than being delusional freaks? Wow, talk about your lunatic fringe...thanks for giving me my laugh for today.
ReplyDeleteI see you are the kind of person Obama inspires. As red, white, and blue blooded Americans, some of us still value free and honest elections. Even Obama knows he didn't win fair and square. By Democratic process, Mitt Romney is our rightful President. There is plenty of evidence on this page and the pages we link to to give a strong indication of what happened all over America, and especially in the swing states. The fact Obama included Soros (banned from Hungary for election fraud) and former Acorn people in his management of many election systems (also convicted of fraud in Nevada where they "helped" Harry Reid get reelected in 2010) shows how not seriously Barack Obama treats the American Democratic Republic voting process. That and the military votes he suppressed.
DeleteStephanie Lind: Such filthy language. Typical for a Lib.
ReplyDeleteYou KNOW he was elected through massive voter fraud. No way America would reelect the Marxist/Muslim usurper, the worst POTUS in history.
We may not get a recount, but we WILL get this fraud out of our White House. We will relentlessly pursue his phony birth certificate, his hidden sordid past, his records that he's paid millions to lawyers to conceal, 'Fast and Furious' and his murder of Americans at Benghazi.
It's a matter of time.
Yay an update!
ReplyDeleteI just called my local news company in Sacramento, CA ( the news company that I called was News10). And they are going to look into it and see if any of the items that are on this blog site you put together is true. They are also going to let me know what other evidence they have found and put it on air. Now I do not know when their going to do this but it might be soon, okay.
D. Keith Langford, Jr.
Stephanie Lind, You prove what we all say about Left Wingers. Your language spells out just what you lefties are all about. Where are your facts I know liberals dont like facts or understand them.This election has been the most crooked and filled with all kinds of voter fraud in all the battle ground states. I hope all of you and Obama get it in the end so USA can have Justice.
ReplyDeleteHere's a site fighting the voter fraud:
Halt Voter Fraud
Have our brilliant founding fathers provided us with a means to save our American Republic???
The electors of each state will meet on the first Monday after the second Wednesday in December (December 17th 2012). A majority of 270 electoral votes is required to elect the President and Vice President. Four or five Governors of battleground states can save our American Republic. (Rick Scott, John Kasich, Tom Corbett, Bob McConnell and Scott Walker for example.) The total number of Electoral College votes in blue states with a Republican Governor is a combined 141 Electoral College votes.
If we target only five of these states (Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Wisconsin) and have the local individual state activist groups submit resolutions in their states to withhold their Electoral College votes (BECAUSE OF MASSIVE FRAUD, etc…) there will be no winner in the Electoral College. We extend our chance to save our country and our LIBERTY.
We are pleading for four or five patriotic state activist groups to join our cause (HALT Voter Fraud NOW), organize efforts in their individual states and petition their Governors with a formal, widely supported resolution to recognize the massive voter fraud and the suppression of the military vote - and refuse to issue their state’s Certificates of Ascertainment in mid-December.
This entire voter fraud stigma should be enough for not only research into the machines, and a recount of the vote, but for the military to stand to their OATH to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States against ALL enemies, foreign and domestic."
ReplyDeleteSorry to do one on top of the other, but I'm agreeing with a number I've seen throughout. Got to figure a way to reformat these entries so that the latest post is on top. People will tend to think at first glance this has gone dead, and it definitely hasn't. I like this place!
ReplyDeleteAnybody have info on Halt Voter Fraud site above?
ReplyDeleteFound info below today on FR.
What do you think?
'There is a report claiming that he Republican Party signed a legal agreement with the Democrat Party in 1982 not to pursue suspected vote fraud.
That's not true. The 1982 consent decree doesn't prevent the GOP from pursuing suspected vote fraud, it prohibits the GOP from doing doing a set of specific things in the name of "ballot security." Specifically, the GOP agreed to
(a) comply with all applicable state and federal laws protecting the rights of duly qualified citizens to vote for the candidate(s) of their choice;
(b) in the event that they produce or place any signs which are part of ballot security activities, cause such signs to disclose that they are authorized or sponsored by the party committees and any other committees participating with the party committees;
(c) refrain from giving any directions to or permitting their agents or employees to remove or deface any lawfully printed and placed campaign materials or signs;
(d) refrain from giving any directions to or permitting their employees to campaign within restricted polling areas or to interrogate prospective voters as to their qualifications to vote prior to their entry to a polling place;
(e) refrain from undertaking any ballot security activities in polling places or election districts where the racial or ethnic composition of such districts is a factor in the decision to conduct, or the actual conduct of, such activities there and where a purpose or significant effect of such activities is to deter qualified voters from voting; and the conduct of such activities disproportionately in or directed toward districts that have a substantial portion of racial or ethnic populations shall be considered relevant evidence of the existence of such a factor and purpose; and
(f) refrain from having private personnel deputized as law enforcement personnel in connection with ballot security activities.'
why would you want voter fraud stopped....after all voter fraud twice selected George Boooosh
ReplyDeleteSo your upset because Bush supposedly got elected with voter fraud but its ok for Obama?It has to stop sometime and the sooner the better.Next time it might be your candidate that loses due to voter fraud.
ReplyDeleteGeorge Bush had a real Birth certificate
ReplyDeleteJoe Whitty, Bush was not a favorite of mine, but voter fraud had nothing to do with his election. It had EVERYTHING to do with Obongo's election.
ReplyDeleteSurely you don't think America voted to reelect the Marxist/Muslim usurper- the worst president in American history!
>Polls indicated that Romney was going to win the election.
>The economy is close to Great Depression era conditions, and unemployment is almost as high as when Obama entered office.
>Economic conditions became so dire after Obama took office it prompted the rise of an entire new movement, the Tea Party.
>Presidents rarely win reelection when the economy is in the tank.
>Mitt knew it too, when he was met by several thousand in that parking garage cheering him when he arrived unannounced at that airport, and he put his hand over his heart and said, 'This is how you know you've won'.
So how did Romney lose a race that numerous reputable polls and pundits predicted would be an easy win, based on historical patterns?
Massive voter fraud.
That and no other reason
Almost every major Conservative website has put out an article charging voter fraud- Breitbart, American Thinker, Atlas Shrugs, WND, The Blaze, Front Page Magazine, Fox News, The Daily Caller, Town Hall, Human Events, Canada Free Press...
There ARE patriots out there who are going to FIGHT Obama's reelection- unlike the spineless Republicans who remain silent!
Not only the Obama Voter Fraud 2012 website, but this website; 'The Competent Conservative' http://thecompetentconservative.com/elections-have-not-yet-been-certified-heres-what-you-can-do/
And this:
Halt The Vote
We WILL fight reelection of the alien fraud.
We WILL remove him from our White House- whether it be by proof of election fraud, proof of ineligibility via forged birth certificate, unveiling of his dark seedy past or his murder of Americans at Benhazi.
We WILL bring him down.
Count on it.
The best Obama Exposure site on the net, The Obama File: http://theobamafile.com/index_next_personal.html
The United States Library of Congress has selected TheObamaFile.com for inclusion in its historic collection of Internet materials
Educate yourselves as to what we've got sitting in our White House.
Read 'The Obama File'.
It contains every sordid thing we know about the Marxist/Muslim usurper, from his Muslim, polygamist ancestors in Africa to his mentoring by his Communist parents, grandparents and his special mentor, Frank Marshall Davis- self admitted commie, pedophile and radical.
It covers his education sponsored by Muslims/radicals and his rise in the political arena sponsored by the likes of American radical/murderer, Bill Ayers and assorted Muslims, Communists and black radicals.
All this is backed up by links to his speeches, books and matters of record.
Jed, go to Free Republic
and see post # 50.
ReplyDeleteI just a response from Senator Feinstein, she says that we could send this blog site, that you created, to the Department of Justice (DOJ).
Here's the address:
Department of Justice
Chief, Voting Section
Civil Rights Division
Room 7254-NWB
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20530
If we have any other information about voter fraud, that we should send it to the DOJ, okay.
D. Keith Langford, Jr.
Thanks Keith! The one downside to the DOJ is Eric Holder is Attorney General. He is appointed by Obama and appears to be more loyal to Obama than to the American people. He was Obama's legal advisor in 2007 during the first campaign.
DeleteLittle if anything was done in 2008 or 2010 by the DOJ, which is part of the problem. I do think we should get this information to anyone who can do something about it!
Chicago needs to be afraid to promulgate voter fraud, and Holder is, as far as I'm concerned, representing Chicago.
ReplyDeleteFollow Up For All of You Who Answered the Call For Voter Fraud Info - Here are details you've been patiently waiting for (above information)
The site above, patriotsforamerica.ning.com, has been following the voter fraud issue and is trying to do something about it.
Karen Bell,
DeleteThis site that you told everyone about, how much has it raise so far for this cause?
Keith, I run PFA and work with North American Law Center (NALC). We've not raised what we'd like, but funds are still coming in and no matter what we are moving forward with this case. Here is an up-to-date post on it including a call to action that is needed by Constitutional Loving United States Citizens.
My name is Twana Blevins, it would not let me post my PFA website url for who I am. I had to use this old google account.
DeleteSadly when I contacted the Attorney General's office in Ohio the form letter I received basically said that they "appreciated receiving my thoughts" and "I believe the electoral process in Ohio should be free from fraud," yeah, yeah, but he did not say that they were actually DOING anything about the egregious voter fraud that occurred here in Ohio.
ReplyDeleteI have to wonder what Attorney General DeWine and Secretary of State Husted (both Republicans) are afraid of? I have to wonder if they were ashamed that such fraud took place on their watch or that they were coerced/bribed to cover it up? Perhaps both?
Here are a group of people with a different plan to prevent Obama from being sworn in:
Please tell me what you think of it.
The 20th Amendment says that if the President-elect “fails to qualify” by the beginning of his term (JAN 20), he must not “act as President”.
ReplyDeleteAZ Secretary of State, Ken Bennett formally requested that Hawaii Registrar Alvin Onaka verify these claimed "facts" that Barack Hussein Obama, II, male, was born
1.on Aug 4, 1961
2.in Honolulu
3.on the island of Oahu,
4.to Stanley Ann Dunham and
5.Barack Hussein Obama.
Though required by Hawaii law [HRS 338-14.3] to verify any submitted information that could be certified as the way the birth actually happened, Onaka did not verify any of those claims.
In response to Bennett’s additional page of requests Onaka did verify that the claims on the White House image of Obama’s BC are also claimed in ("match") the record on file. If the record were valid, Onaka is required by law to verify the truth of all the above-listed claims. By refusing to verify those things, Onaka indirectly confirmed (and certified) that Obama’s Hawaii BC, even if NOT a forgery, is based on a legally INvalid record.
Though most of the world believes the media and White House version rather than what the law actually says, the fact is that Hawaii has verified that they have no legally-determined birth date, birth place, or birth parents for Obama. Without knowing those facts for Obama, there is no way anybody can lawfully say Obama has qualified and no way that he actually ever COULD qualify.
To get Obama’s name on the state ballots, DNC Counsel bob Bauer submitted an Official Certification of Nomination claliming that Obama is qualified to serve as President. That could not and can not be known without legally-established birth facts for Obama, and Hawaii law says the only way to legally determine his birth facts is if the record is presented as evidence to a judicial or administrative person or body and it is decided whether the claims on the BC have any legal or evidentiary value.
Until that happens it is LEGALLY KNOWN that Barack Obama cannot qualify to be President.
In order to qualify (or disqualify) Barack Hussin Obama for inauguration on January 20, at least one (D or R) member of Congress (having unquestioned "standing" to do so) must file a suit to force the Hawaii Registrar to present Obama's Hawaii records as evidence to a judicial (or "administrative") court for an "up/down" determination of their probative value.
Unless Obama or the Hawaii Registrar, Onaka, is taken to court and forced to present Obama's birth record as evidence so the legal value of it can be determined and legal birth facts established, Obama can NEVER “qualify” for the Presidency as required by the 20th Amendment.
What congressperson is willing to step forward and perform this duty to his oath of office?
Jed, all, please join in and help.
This sounds like a plan that might work.
One would think that Paul Ryan would do this?? or does he not have "standing" to do so? or Michelle Bachman?
ReplyDeleteCanada Free Press nailed it long ago:
Do you fear Barack Obama?
Canada Free Press
Every member of the Supreme Court, every member of congress, every member of the Joint Chiefs, most members of the DOD, CIA, FBI, Secret Service and state run media, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, PBS, NPR, MSNBC, Fox and print news, knows that Barack Hussein Obama does NOT meet Article II – Section I constitutional requirements for the office he holds. By his own biography, there is NO way he can pass the test. The hard evidence is so far beyond overwhelming, it is ridiculous.
But not ONE member of America’s most powerful people will dare confront Obama and his anti-American cabal on the subject. The Constitution does NOT stand.
Half of the people you expect to stop this insanity are quiet co-conspirators in the silent coup. The other half is paralyzed by fear, motivated only by political self-preservation.
Americans keep asking what they can do because they see that none of their leaders are doing anything to stop the demise of their beloved country. It’s the right question, because those leaders are NOT going to stop this thing.
Who will save freedom?
A brave few… This is how it was in the beginning, how it has always been and how it will be.
Dr. Orly Taitz, Phil Berg and Gary kreep, all of whom have made defending the constitution and the American way of life a personal ambition in the absence of any constitutional leadership.
Tomorrow, Enforce the Twentieth Amendment, Section Three and OBAMA is GONE
ReplyDeleteI got a new website for you and everyone that reads everything on the site:
I'd like to know what Barack Obama has to say about his former employer (ACORN) now being investigated in at least 3 key states for voter fraud in his favor.
ReplyDeletephlebotomy training CO
ReplyDeleteThis is quite not good for Obama. I have to say he one of the most talented president of the USA and he proved it with so many things. He is not a vote fraud..
ReplyDeleteBarak Obama
Judging from your lack of mastery of the English language, I suspect you are one of those who rapes us of the little wealth we have managed to accumulate. The illegal B STOLE this election. Illegals like you need to get the H out. We will no longer support you.
DeleteIn every politician there are negative thoughts. But as long as we believe and we can see such positive changes in our country don't be so judgmental and appreciate what good things bring to us. President Barack Obama is one of those good president I've know.
ReplyDeleteDrink your kool-aid, scratch your as and enjoy the fact that you don't have to work in order to live. Fool frt have fun. Enjoy your obama phone. Bet you stole my ss security as your disability. Your party is ending soon so do drink up and praise your god king Barry.
ReplyDeleteThe stuff you are writing blows out my mind.
ReplyDeletefree resume templates
Acorn seems to think its okay to pick up homeless people off the streets and register them to vote. It happens that Obama is very involved with Acorn and has been for many years. He has even gotten tax dollars to support their evil agenda, VOTER FRAUD!
ReplyDeletephlebotomy schools pennsylvania
Great job keeping up the site! Thanks so much for this it's awesome you've maintained so much in one place..
ReplyDeleteI just wanted to stop by & say thanks as well as throw you the latest... Here's a new article to add to the collection..
Hello Jacobmonteal,
ReplyDeleteDo you live in the USA? That is very important to me because if you do not do so, your opinion means nothing to me. If you are an American citizen, please let me know. If not, do not bother to reply and I will ascertain.
Barry AKA Barrack did not legitimately win this election. He stole the election. I have completed extensive research and I have the stats to base my deductions Deserve the position? You have got to be kidding me. That is such a subjective statement.
And by the way, the house of cards have fallen and Barry AKA Barrack is on the way to being impeached. We the taxpayers deserve far more for the tax dollars we pay.
This is a good one. I really appreciate your work. Well done and keep it up! You really made your point very well.
ReplyDeleteThis blog is totally considered for politics. Election is the process where we choose our government and who work for the public. But now -a-days election is totally based on the corruption where government fulfill their own desires not for the public desires. In this generation politics is fully corrupted. Thanks..
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Thank you for sharing. Choosing a private investigation company to address what you believe to be a fraud scheme in your business is an important decision.
ReplyDeletefraud investigations in New Jersey